Trump and DeSantis are the only 'big fish' CPAC attendees expect in the 2024 presidential race. But several say there's nothing wrong with others auditioning for supporting roles.

Former President Donald Trump; Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley; Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina; Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis
Former President Donald Trump; Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley; Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina; Florida Gov. Ron DeSantisGetty Images
  • Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis are top of mind at the 2023 Conservative Political Action Conference.

  • CPAC participants suspect 2024 will come down to those two, while others vie for the VP slot.

  • Some second choices include GOP Sen. Tim Scott, and Govs. Kristi Noem and Chris Sununu.

NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland — Many attendees at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference predict that the next GOP presidential primary will culminate in a Sunshine State showdown.

Though the 2024 election won't roll around until over a year from now, dozens of CPAC patrons Insider interviewed over the first two days of the political temperature-taking seemed fairly certain that the race would come down to embattled former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

"Really, the only two big fish in the race are Donald Trump and DeSantis — assuming that he does run," Kenneth Wang of New Jersey told Insider of the endgame that makes the most sense to him for the next cycle.

Getting to that binary choice will still take some doing, given that DeSantis hasn't even declared that he's running (but certainly seems to be acting like a presidential contender).

Former South Carolina governor and Trump administration alumna Nikki Haley and tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy are the only ones officially challenging Trump for the nomination at this time.

Others like former Vice President Mike Pence, former Trump cabinet secretary Mike Pompeo, and Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina have already started popping up in early primary states like Iowa and New Hampshire, sparking chatter that they'll jump in before the GOP base chooses who will face off against President Joe Biden.

While some skittish CPACers said freezing the field now is preferable to enduring another 2016-style circular firing squad, others had no issue with watching the process play out.

'An interesting race'

Rory McSchane, a GOP political strategist from Austin, Texas is in the more the merrier camp.

"It's going to be an interesting race," he told Insider.

McShane, who said he's worked on campaigns for Republican Reps. Bob Good of Virginia, as well as Arizonans Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs, billed Trump and DeSantis as the likeliest main event, but expects to see "Never Trump-types" like former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan in the mix.

"The question will be, 'Is Ron DeSantis powerful enough to unify all the non-Trump candidates behind him?'" McShane said.

Michael Yadeta, a resident of Silver Spring, Maryland who ran in the 2022 GOP primary (and lost) to try and unseat Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin, told Insider that the time is ripe for a Trump comeback.

"Nobody wants Trump to run. It's like the whole world is fighting him," Yadeta said of the polarized political climate. "But I think he's coming back." 

He didn't have too much to say about the other declared candidates. But Yadeta did float one way he could get behind Haley.

"My sincere hope is that she would be the vice president," Yadeta said of having Haley round out the 2024 ticket.

Wang had a similar thought, casting the Haley and Ramaswamy campaigns as professional networking.

"I think they're running more to potentially become the vice presidential nominee or be picked up by whoever wins the presidency as cabinet members," Wang estimated.

If Haley is simply fishing for the number two spot, she didn't seem to do herself any favors at CPAC on Friday.

The main ballroom was half-empty during her midday address. And while she drew some modest applause while ripping into CNN host Don Lemon for calling her past her prime, that was nothing compared to the "Trump! Trump! Trump!" chants she was bombarded with as she left the hotel.


Checking boxes

Fresh off a Thursday night dinner where he said he met 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin and failed 2022 Arizona gubernatorial hopeful Kari Lake, Paul Johnson was excited about the prospects for 2024.

Having traveled from Morris County, New Jersey, Johnson said he was interested in hearing Haley's speech and planned to look more into Ramaswamy's anti-woke platform.

"He says a lot of the right things," Johnson said of the first-time candidate.

As for others jumping in, Johnson said he could see New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu making a go of it.

"He has his own lane, sort of a moderate Republican lane, if he ran," Johnson said. "So it would be interesting to see all those guys mix it up."

Marcus C. Williams, from Rochester, New York, said Haley and Ramaswamy have already rubbed him the wrong way.

"I used to be a big Nikki Haley fan. And then she said that we should continue our forever wars. So that sunk her ship with me," Williams said of her disqualifying behavior.

He added that Ramaswamy stepped in it by saying "we should be able to pick winners and losers" during an economic discussion with Fox News personality Tucker Carlson. "I didn't like that very much," Williams said, citing his support for "free market principles."

The duo Williams said he wouldn't mind seeing in the 2024 contest include South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and Sen. Tim Scott.

"They stand up for conservative values. And they also check some of the boxes that people who are more left-leaning would like to see in power," Williams said of the potential cross-over appeal of a "motherly" woman with a strong legislative record, and a relatively young Black man.

Tim Scott isn't Fe Bencosme's first choice for 2024.

But the self-styled candidate running for her local school board in Houston, Texas, told Insider Scott has one distinct advantage over the likes of Pence, Haley, Pompeo —  he didn't abandon Trump following the deadly siege at the US Capitol.

"Their position and their behavior after the events of January 6 were pretty disgraceful," Bencosme said.

Should Scott wind up taking the plunge, Bencosme said she could see herself supporting him in the GOP primary — and possibly beyond.

"If he ends up the nominee, then of course, I'm going to vote for him," Bencosme said. "What am I going to do — vote for those other people? Absolutely not."

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