UK set for first 35C heatwave of year with 'very high risk' of sizzling July

The UK has been warned of an incoming 35 heatwave - with July set to be "very hot" and a "very high risk" of a stifling scorcher. The seventh month of the year will see the mercury skyrocket, according to weather forecasters and experts, who've said the country is en route for a "mega heatwave" and "super heatwave" touching a staggering 35C.

James Madden from Exacta Weather warned: "The good news going forward and into July is that things are looking pretty amazing for this month as a whole, with the now very high possibility of some kind of super or mega heatwave of a decent duration, with maximum temperatures possibly peaking in and around the mid to high 30s (also the reason why many others have tried to make me appear wrong for this month, I feel)."

He added: "There are still some question marks about the exact arrival date of this upcoming and significant pattern change, but I also covered this in a recent and detailed dated posting too." He added: "To conclude, the following two postings below were from April 14th and late May as the main postings for this summer, June and July, and portray my real thoughts on this summer.

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"I always back up all I say above and within the links with date stamped proof." He went on: "More to follow on this in future updates, but the prospects look hot, hot, hot for July, with a pattern switch now highly likely (UK and Ireland) and with the possibility of some much warmer to hot days as early as next week too."

Mr Madden said we can expect "maximum temperatures possibly peaking in and around the mid to high 30Cs". Madden expects conditions to be "pretty amazing" across the entirety of July and, at its peak, this hot spell could constitute a "super or mega heatwave".

Netweather's forecast for July 1 to July 9 states: "Temperatures are likely to be above normal overall, though with uncertainty over the extent of the anomaly." BBC Weather says: "With areas of high pressure likely to remain close to the UK, there is a greater chance of warmer, calmer and drier weather in the first week of July."