UK tourists in Spain face 'intense' shift and warned 'we're heading for it'

UK tourists in Spain have been warned a dramatic weather shift will be "intense" and spark temperatures as high as an eye-watering 40C. The mercury is set to shoot up towards the weekend with widely high temperatures expected by Saturday, June 22.

Meteorologist Jose Miguel Viñas said: "We are heading straight to the 40C mark." Jose added: “This anticyclonic influence will result in a sunny day across most parts of the country, pushing temperatures up significantly."

"We will have a very prominent episode that could culminate in the first heat wave of this year. Temperatures will remain very high between Monday and Wednesday and an upturn is expected during the second half of the week, with extreme heat spreading to many areas of the country with maximum temperatures between 35 and 40CC, with this value being exceeded in the south of the mainland," he pointed out.

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“It's incredibly difficult to accurately predict how the weather is going to be months ahead, let alone even weeks and sometimes days,” says Tamsin Green, a meteorologist from forecasting service Weather & Radar, as the weather turns.

“In recent months, the air temperatures and ocean temperatures are still astronomically high. They're still persisting,” Green said. “One thing that is a massive, undeniable factor that cannot be ignored is that we are constantly breaking heat records,” Green says.

“The last ten years have been the ten warmest on record, with most of the Earth warming occurring in the last 40 years. We've seen April 2024 coming in as the 11th month in a row with the hottest on record.” Green believes “with a pretty good degree of certainty” that 2024 will probably be yet another record-breaking year.

“Despite how the forecasts might be shaping up, the trends of the rising global temperatures are undeniable," she said. Jose went on: "The weather will be typically summery, with very high temperatures. In Madrid it is likely to reach 40C, with temperatures remaining in this range during the last weekend of June."