Unhappy Edinburgh shop owners warn city's new LEZ 'affects their businesses'

Edinburgh businesses have hit out at the boundaries of the city's new Low Emission Zone (LEZ) just weeks after it began.

The new LEZ officially came into force on June 1, with drivers facing a £60 fine if they enter the zone with a non-compliant vehicle.

While many people are in favour of the scheme, which looks to reduce harmful pollution in some of the busiest parts of Edinburgh, other local business owners and workers say the move has reduced footfall in their shops.

READ MORE - We went to Edinburgh's new LEZ zone to see how many cars were compliant

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One such business is Lifestyle Express, a newsagents on Lothian Road. Staff said they had been negatively affected by the new LEZ, with some unable to drive to work.

Rana, employee at the shop, said: "If you are working full time you don’t get any help from the government which I think is unfair."

Wonderland Models on Lothian Road said one worker had been forced to buy a new car due to the rules.

The staff at Wonderland Models said another option - the car park at Castle Terrace - was so expensive there was no option of short term parking for customers.

On the LEZ, one worker, who asked to remain anonymous, said: "The council preys on the unsuspecting who drive in and if they drive immediately back out - still have the pleasure of paying £15 for that. People are forced to get public transport or park 'n' ride then bus in."

Down Queensferry Street - few businesses didn't have too much trouble but a worker at Soderberg bakery, said that one delivery driver ended up getting a new van as their previous one was not a complaint.

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A manager of West End Store on Queensferry Street said the street has been very quiet the last few weeks and he has had less business.

He said: "No one can park in front of the shop and nip into here. There has been much less business because of the LEZ zones the last two weeks."

He also said the boss had to get a new car to be compliant with the emissions standards.

Fatiha owns West End Tailors on Queensferry Street and was not happy with the boundary of the LEZ zones on Queensferry Street. He said "A lot of my customers, especially older customers used to be able to park in front and could drop off or pick up items."

"Now there is nowhere near for them to park. I'll lose business, no one will park a mile away and then walk all the way here."

He adds: "It has been noticeably quieter the last two weeks and I am sure I have lost trade from this."

Councillor Scott Arthur said: “We’ve worked with our partners on our information campaign which started over two years ago to give people time to get ready, and to make sure they avoid penalties now enforcement has begun.

"As part of that we point people to our interactive boundary map so people can plan their route if they need to avoid the LEZ. We’ve also been sharing information about changes to roads to allow drivers with vehicles that don't meet the standards to drive around the zone. This included specific changes in the Tollcross area.

"The reality is that people don’t want to spend time in a congested and polluted city centre, and our plans recognise that.”

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