See inside Wetherspoons new-look pub in Trowbridge after £2m refurb

The new-look bar area at the Albany Palace. <i>(Image: Trevor Porter 77160-1)</i>
The new-look bar area at the Albany Palace. (Image: Trevor Porter 77160-1)

Pub chain Wetherspoons has given a ‘sneak preview’ of the changes to the Albany Palace pub in Trowbridge following an extensive £2.2 million refurbishment and expansion project.

Trowbridge mayor, Cllr Stephen Cooper, will officially reopen the pub on Tuesday, June 25 and said: “I am really excited and looking forward to it.

“I think like everybody I have walked past it on many occasions over the past couple of months and wondered what it is going to turn out like, especially with the new beer garden and the extension around the side.

“It is a prime venue and it has always been a key part of our hospitality in Trowbridge and it is a lovely position right there next to the park so hopefully its outdoor garden area will be a real asset.”

The new bar replaces the bar that used to be in the centre of the pub. Trevor Porter 77160-4 (Image: Trevor Porter)

The Park Road pub, which first opened as a Wetherspoon in September 2009, is one of Trowbridge’s most popular watering holes.

The Albany Palace expansion and refurbishment, which began in March, has created an additional 40 full and part-time jobs.

Wetherspoon area manager, Joe Davey said: “The £2.2 million investment highlights Wetherspoon’s commitment to the pub and its staff and customers, as well as to Trowbridge itself.

“We are delighted that we have also been able to create 40 new jobs for local people.

“The team are looking forward to welcoming customers back into The Albany Palace and we’re confident that they will be impressed by the larger, new-look pub.”

The new extension and leading to Beer Garden. Trevor Porter 77160-3 (Image: Trevor Porter)

The main change is to the more spacious layout of the Albany Palace customer area, which has undergone a full refurbishment.

The central bar area has been moved to where the staircase used to be and has been upgraded and now appears to be much easier to use.

The pub’s interior has been fully redecorated throughout, including a bespoke new carpet and now features an upgraded drinks dispense area.

The new extension and leading to Beer Garden. Trevor Porter 77160-3 (Image: Trevor Porter)

One of the biggest changes is the 210 sq ft extension into the former Alzheimer’s Support charity offices at Park House next door.

A new 753 sq ft walled beer garden has been created outside and a new summer opening shopfront has been added to the premises. The pub’s flat roofs have also been re-roofed.

The new pub garden where the car spaces for the Alzheimer offices were. Trevor Porter 77160-5 (Image: Trevor Porter)

Behind the scenes, the kitchen facilities and equipment have been upgraded and a new area created where staff can change and take a break.