Upload season 3: next episode, trailer, cast and everything we know

  Robbie Amell (Nathan), Andy Allo (Nora) working together in Upload season 3.
Robbie Amell (Nathan), Andy Allo (Nora) working together in Upload season 3.

Upload is back for a third season on Prime Video. The futuristic series stars Robbie Amell in a world where no one has to die; instead, people live forever in a virtual reality where you can live out your fantasies…for the right price.

In the season 3 trailer, Amell’s Nathan has to contend with the possibility that there’s another version of him out in the world after he was “rebooted from a backup copy.” Naturally, having two Nathans isn’t ideal and chaos ensues.

As much as Upload is a sci-fi comedy, there has always been a serious undertone highlighting socio-economic disparity; here, the old expression “he who dies with the most toys still dies” doesn’t ring true, as one’s experience in the afterlife is based on how much money they have to spend.

That said, watching Amell’s Nathan trying to navigate the afterlife is a lot of fun. The eight-episode season continues his story.

Here’s everything we know about Upload season 3.

Next episode of Upload season 3

The season finale of Upload season 3 airs Friday, November 10, on Prime Video.

Upload season 3 episode guide

Upload season 3 episode 1: "Ticking Clock"
"Nathan and Nora try to stop Freeyond before the companies manage to persuade millions of poor people to get uploaded. Meanwhile, they enjoy their real-life relationship in fleeting moments before Nathan's head explodes."

Upload season 3 episode 2: "Strawberry"
"During a clandestine trip to LA, Nathan and Nora spend a few days on a factory farm. Aleesha is given a new task: teaching the AI boys to be human. Luke erases his own painful memories in the memory lounge."

Upload season 3 episode 3: "CyberDiscountDay"
"Nathan struggles to provide his loved ones with a proper CyberDiscountDay meal. Ingrid resorts to desperate measures and tries to get a job."

Upload season 3 episode 4: "Download Doctor"
"Nathan and Nora head to San Francisco in search of answers from the doctor who invented download. At her first company retreat, Aleesha attracts the attention of Horizen executives."

Upload season 3 episode 5: "Rescue Mission"
"Nathan joins forces with his copy to save Luke, while Nora returns to the download doctor and is spotted by the conspirators. Ingrid gives up on virtual reality, and Aleesha is put in charge of a secret project."

Upload season 3 episode 6: "Memory Crackers"
"Nora and Nathan obtain a massive source of evidence for the investigation, but viewing the material puts them in a difficult position, particularly in relation to Ingrid. Meanwhile, the barista AI learns to become an excellent confidant."

Upload season 3 trailer

Take a look at the Upload season 3 trailer below:

Upload season 3 cast

Upload features Robbie Amell (The Duff) as Nathan, Andy Allo (Pitch Perfect 3) as Nora, Kevin Bigley (Sirens) as Luke, Allegra Edwards (Briarpatch) as Ingrid, Zainab Johnson (100 Humans) as Aleesha and Owen Daniels (Space Force) as A.I.Guy.

Upload season 3 plot

Here’s the synopsis of Upload season 3 from Prime Video:

Upload is a sci-fi comedy series from Emmy-winning writer Greg Daniels (The Office, Parks and Recreation, King of the Hill), set in a technologically advanced future where holographic phones, self-driving vehicles, AI assistance and 3D food printers are the norm. And, forget about dying — instead, you’ll be “uploaded” to a virtual reality afterlife, and enjoy all the comforts of a world-class resort — provided you can afford it.”

How to watch Upload season 3

Upload is a Prime Video exclusive, so you’ll need a subscription to Amazon Prime in order to watch it. As a Prime member, you’ll also have access to a vast selection of original movies and series, along with a great number of rotating shows and movies in the Prime catalog to enjoy.