Urgent plea over dangerous Devon potholes

Potholes are causing issues in Devon (file image)
-Credit: (Image: Brad Hardware)

Dozens of residents have signed a petition demanding action be taken to repair dangerous potholes in a Mid Devon village.

It has been organised by Chris O’Connor who lives in Sandford and says the local roads are in a dangerous condition and urgently in need of attention.

And he is calling on other people affected by the roads to add their names. “Like many others in our community, I have been personally affected by the atrocious and dangerous condition of our local roads,” he said.

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“Not only is my car in need of constant repair due to the numerous potholes that litter our streets but so are the vehicles of many.

“More importantly, these road conditions pose an increased risk of accidents for all road users.

“In addition to this, only recently the local service bus got stuck due to a lack of clearance when trying to negotiate an exceptionally deep pothole. This caused huge disruption to the daily routine of residents in the village and the surrounding agricultural activities.

“The state of disrepair is not just an inconvenience but a safety hazard. According to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, poor road surface conditions contribute to around 8% of all reported vehicle accidents in rural areas.

“This statistic becomes even more alarming when we consider that Sandford and Crediton are primarily rural communities.”

Mr O’Connor said the area is scheduled to have the surrounding roads addressed in 2025/26, so he has organised the petition to demand and call on Devon County Council to take immediate action towards repairing the potholes and improving their overall condition.

“Not only will this enhance vehicular safety but also prolong the lifespan of vehicles used by residents,” he added.

“This issue affects us all – drivers, cyclists, pedestrians alike – who use these roads daily. We urge you to sign this petition as a step towards safer travel within Sandford and Crediton.”

So far 97 people have signed the petition. One person who signed said she uses a mobility scooter and because of the potholes there are some lanes she can no longer use.

Another said: “The roads are dangerous and not fit to drive on.”

Once completed the petition will be handed in to Sandford Parish Council for onward presentation to Devon County Council.

The petition is available to sign at Sandford Post Office or online at: https://www.change.org/p/a-demand-that-action-be-taken-by-dcc-to-repair-potholes-and-improve-all-road-conditions