Bill Clinton Honors Oklahoma City on 20th Anniversary of Bombing

Former US President Bill Clinton celebrated the resilience of Oklahoma City and its “correct choices” on Sunday, April 19, 20 years after the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in 1995. Clinton said: “For the past 20 years, you have honored the memories of your loved ones, you have inspired us with the power of your renewal, you have reminded us that we should live by the Oklahoma standard – service, honor, kindness.”

Clinton also thanked the city and the US for letting him do what he could to help after the bombing. He made a highly regarded speech at a memorial service for the bombing victims in 1995.

Around 4,000 people, including families of the bombing’s 168 victims, attended the remembrance ceremony at the former site of the Alfred P. Murrah building. Credit: YouTube/okcnm