Voices of Craven launches summer concerts at Cathedral of the Dales

Voices of Craven <i>(Image: Submitted)</i>
Voices of Craven (Image: Submitted)

VOICES of Craven community choir is kicking off its summer season of concerts at St Michael’s Church, Kirkby Malham, on Saturday, June 29.

The choir will be singing a selection of music from Abba and John Lennon, to Bach, Mozart and Rutter.

Voices of Craven is conducted by Darren Everhart, and will be accompanied by Elaine Dave, and the Vine String Quartet. The soprano soloist this year is Jessica Harper, a mezzo-soprano who grew up in Cumbria.

The concert starts at 7pm, tickets are £12 on the door, and refreshments will be served at the interval for a donation for church funds. Parking is available in the church car park, around the village, and in a nearby field.

For further details visit: https://voicesofcraven.org/