Want a money makeover? Get a free financial plan worth thousands of pounds

Rob Petherick, Chris Potter and Rebecca Holmes featured in a previous Money Makeover - see below - Paul Grover
Rob Petherick, Chris Potter and Rebecca Holmes featured in a previous Money Makeover - see below - Paul Grover

We are all faced with dilemmas on how to manage our money and ensure we're setting aside enough to meet our goals. These could be retiring early, buying a first home, saving for children's school fees or giving yourself enough to travel the world as part of a career break.

It is possible to meet your goals with diligent saving and some shrewd investing decisions. It's not unheard of for financial advisers to charge 3pc of your investment amount – that would be £3,000 on a £100,000 pot – to create a plan, plus 0.5pc to keep an eye on it.

This is where Telegraph Money can help. We can capture your financial situation and ask two experts to devise saving and investment plans – for free.

Remember that building your wealth on your own isn't for everyone. Some feel more comfortable with the constant vigilance of a financial adviser who can help select investments to match your changing attitude to risk and can highlight valuable tax breaks.

Our plans don't replace tailored financial advice but offer an outline of how to get started. We also have experts available who can help with property-related goals, such as building a buy-to-let portfolio.

All we ask is that you supply as much information as possible, even the names of the funds you hold in your portfolio, and the detail on what you want to achieve.

In return, you must be willing to appear online and in the paper, with a photo (a photographer will visit at a time to suit you). If we pick you, we'll have our trusted financial experts give you practical help and tips on how to reach your financial goals.

These appear in the paper and on online as "Money Makeover".​

Here are some previous examples:

You can see more examples here.

If you'd like to be considered, please send the following information to money@telegraph.co.uk with the subject header "Give me a Money Makeover".

Your name

Your age

Your telephone number (we will not share this with anyone)

Your main financial goals (as much detail as possible please)

Any debts (including mortgages)

How you would describe your attitude to investment risk (as much detail as possible please)

Your current investments (please provide as much detail as possible about your holdings and their value as a percentage of your overall portfolio. Please also tell us about cash and property you own).