New warm hub is desperate for volunteers in Dennistoun

Diana McKelvie, left, Dennistoun Warm Hub manager pictured with Tolani Adegoroye, chair of Everlasting foodbank (pictured in background) on Whitehill Street, Dennistoun. <i>(Image: Colin Mearns)</i>
Diana McKelvie, left, Dennistoun Warm Hub manager pictured with Tolani Adegoroye, chair of Everlasting foodbank (pictured in background) on Whitehill Street, Dennistoun. (Image: Colin Mearns)

A new warm hub is desperate for volunteers in Dennistoun.

Helpers are wanted to launch the community space which will offer a safe space for vulnerable families and individuals to come and get nutritious food.

The Everlasting Foodbank is setting up the facility which will be available from Monday, July 8 and will run every Monday from 10 until 2.

The hub will also host activities for children, talks and support around the cost of living crisis, addiction and bereavement.

It will also feature a cafe which will ask customers to only pay what they can afford, with no judgement or questions.

READ MORE: Woman praises warm hub in Glasgow that 'saved her life'

Diana McKelvie, 33, is the manager of the new service told the Glasgow Times: “We are desperate for volunteers, we need quite a lot.

“Anyone, over the age of 16, who is compassionate, caring, and wants to help vulnerable people are welcome to get in touch to help.

“The space is so important for the community because it will offer special services and food to help those struggling.

“Really the goal is reducing hunger for families, especially children who won’t have school lunches during the summer.

“We will offer training so volunteers don’t need experience in catering or working with people who have addiction or mental health issues.

“You just need to be understanding, empathetic, and want to help us make a real difference.”

READ MORE: 'She hadn't eaten for days': Inside the Glasgow warm hub

Glasgow has noticed a spike in vulnerable people struggling to get by since the current cost of living crisis.

We previously reported how almost one in five workers have had no change in their pay since 2021, new research suggests.

Jobs site Indeed said its survey of 2,000 people also found that more than two in five revealed they were struggling to make ends meet.

Half of respondents said bringing costs down should be a top priority for the next government, while two in five said the elected party should bring wages in line with the cost of living.

Now facilities like the warm hub are offering families respite and resources as they try to get by.

If you want to volunteer at the warm hub you can email