Ways to get rid of spiders in your home - and expert advice on whether they actually work

How to keep spiders out of your home
-Credit: (Image: Getty)

You may have noticed an increase in the number of spiders around your home recently. While some people appreciate the intricate beauty of their webs, others are repulsed by the sight of these creatures and go to great lengths to eliminate them.

For those who don't suffer from arachnophobia, it can be difficult to comprehend why so many individuals find spiders unbearable. Even the largest British house spiders, with a leg span of just 6-7cm, are minuscule and pose little threat to humans.

Dr Geoff Oxford, a spider expert and enthusiast as well as the honorary secretary of The British Arachnological Society (britishspiders.org.uk), explains that only about a dozen of Britain's 670 spider species possess jaws strong enough to pierce human skin and potentially inject venom. However, he emphasises that these spiders are not aggressive towards humans and will only resort to biting under extreme circumstances and even then, most verified spider bites result in minimal or no reaction.

According to Dr Oxford, the reason we're encountering more spiders in our homes currently is because autumn is the time when they reach maturity and emerge from their hiding spots, such as behind furniture and within cracks and crevices, in search of a mate.

In his view, this is a positive occurrence as spiders are invaluable creatures, particularly due to their crucial role in consuming large quantities of unwanted creepy-crawlies in our homes.

"Spiders do a great job as a natural insecticide, and provide food for numerous other organisms mammals, reptiles, amphibians, predatory insects and birds," Oxford explains enthusiastically. "Their venom is increasingly being investigated as a source of natural insecticides, and their silk can be used in medicine, for example as the scaffolding for artificial joints. The sheer aesthetic beauty of spiders themselves, and their webs, goes without saying."

If you're still not convinced or have a fear of spiders, there are various theories on how to encourage them to vacate your home and crushing them isn't one of them; it's both cruel and unnecessary. More humane methods often involve using scents that spiders dislike, especially citrus.

But are these methods effective?

We've consulted bathroom design specialist George Holland from Victorian Plumbing (victorianplumbing.co.uk) and Oxford to get their sometimes differing views on how best to coax spiders to leave peacefully. Here's what we found out.

Make your own anti-spider spray. Holland suggests that a key natural way to deter spiders from your bathroom and home is the use of citrus. He notes that while you might find spider repellent sprays in shops priced between £4 to £11, it's far more economical to create your own.

Simply mix around 20 drops of a citrus fruit juice like lemon or lime, or essential oils such as tea tree, lavender, peppermint, or cinnamon with water in a spray bottle. Spritz this concoction in the corners of your bathroom or any damp areas where spiders may congregate.

"Taking two minutes to make your own spray using a citrus fruit such as lemon is cheaper, efficient, and it makes your bathroom smell amazing," Holland remarks.

However, Oxford casts doubt on the effectiveness of these homemade remedies. "Nothing wrong with doing this, but there's absolutely no evidence that this or any other 'remedy' e.g. extract of conkers, will repel spiders."

If you're looking to remove a spider without harm, Oxford recommends the straightforward method of trapping it under a tumbler. Place the glass over the spider, slide a piece of card underneath to secure it, and release the spider outside, away from your home.

But he cautions: "The daddy long legs spider and a few other species only live indoors in Britain and to put them outside, especially in winter, will almost certainly kill them."

For a direct approach, using lemon peel can also be an effective deterrent. A well-known hack shared by Holland involves leveraging the citrus elements in lemon. "This is a favourite trick of mine," he reveals.

"Rub lemon peel all over the windowsills or anywhere spiders may perch, like behind the toilet or cabinets. The citrus will repel them and will give your bathroom a nice scent."

Oxford, however, lacks concrete evidence linking lemon peel and spider repelling power. He does not disagree with the pleasant citrus smell but is sceptical about its usefulness as a repellent.

Another suggestion by Holland is to seal cracks and openings around windows and doors. His reasoning? Spiders must breach home security somehow, and sealing any potential entrances could ward off an impending infestation.

Oxford concurs with this approach, acknowledging that while it restricts spiders availability of suitable nesting spots. "Reducing the number of cracks and crevices will limit the places in which spiders are likely to set up home although some, like daddy long legs spiders, don't use retreats of this kind," he comments.

Maintaining cleanliness and order in one's space is another strategy Holland employs against eight-legged invasions. Spiders prefer tucked-away corners and small spots over open spaces, so minimising clutter and cleaning regularly can deter their presence.

Holland states: "Keeping rooms organised and clean will reduce the chance of a spider putting up a web, and cleaning will remove the dust and small insects and food particles that attract the spiders inside,".

Contrarily, Oxford believes that while a minimalist, uncluttered home can indeed reduce the number of spots for spiders to settle, there's no evidence suggesting they knowingly venture into homes, noting that spiders consume living creatures, not food scraps. "There's no evidence that dust or food particles serve to attract spiders inside," he asserts.

Citronella air fresheners/candles are another option. While it may be tempting to use your homemade repellent in areas more prone to spiders, Holland suggests deploying air freshener or lighting a candle packed with citronella to keep entire rooms spider-free but Oxford remains sceptical, asserting he's unaware of any proof that this method is effective.

Introduce spider-deterring plants. Holland believes that adding plants such as mint, lemongrass or eucalyptus to your bathroom can add a touch of decor and at the same time make the space less inviting for spiders, who loathe these types of smells.

However, Oxford disputes this, stating: "I'm not aware that any plant acts as a spider repellent by exuding a scent. Some plants, in gardens, certainly offer better support for spider webs than others, but that's not what we're talking about."

Furthermore, Oxford debunks the idea of using mint as a repellent, pointing out that various spider species, garden spider included, often utilise mint leaves as safe havens to develop and protect their egg sacs, despite the availability of other non-aromatic plant species.