Woman has both legs amputated after being bitten by insects in her bed

Josie in a wheelchair
-Credit: (Image: No credit)

A grandmother needed both her legs amputated after suffering "months of incredible pain" following insect bites she received in her sleep. Josie Rowley, 69, lived in Cork for more than 40 years and was a well-known and much-loved member of the community.

The pensioner, originally from the UK, moved to Ireland in the early 1980s and raised six children, as well as having 12 grandchildren, many of whom lived near her old home in West Cork. Josie regularly hosted visitors for tea and chats and enjoyed a very active lifestyle.

She was always "out and about" at the Bantry market visiting friends or volunteering in her village. However, over the past year Josie's life has changed forever after she was struck down by an aggressive infection that developed following insect bites.

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Josie woke up one morning last September to discover a number of small itchy bites on her shins and assumed they would heal on their own. Over the following weeks the wounds started to become infected and became surrounded by painful ulcers. Josie's granddaughter took her to visit her GP late last year who referred her to the Mercy Hospital, reports Cork Beo.

Her loved ones said Josie's doctors were "amazing" and did everything they could but over the coming months her infection continued to spread along her legs leaving her in so much pain she could no longer walk. Eventually Josie had to have both limbs amputated to stop her condition from getting any worse.

Josie in hospital before the amputations
Josie in hospital before the amputations -Credit:No credit

Josie's daughter, Jen, shared with CorkBeo that her mother had pre-existing health issues and was admitted for surgery on March 6 this year. Followed by a rehabilitation period of five to six weeks Josie was discharged and is now residing with Jen and her children in Carrigaline.

Jen told CorkBeo: "The Mercy team have been fantastic and so lovely but it's still been a huge shock for everybody. If it was left any longer it would have just kept spreading and she was in so much pain. One night I had to take her to Southdoc at 2am because it had just gotten so bad.

"Both her legs were amputated above her knees as circulation had basically stopped in her lower legs. She was such an independent and active person always getting involved in her community. Considering it all she's been really taking it in her stride but she does get very low now and again realising she can't do what she used to do anymore. Her old home was a two-storey house which obviously wasn't suitable anymore, so now she's living in Carrigaline with me."

Having left her job at a petrol station to care for her mother Jen is now in the process of applying for carer's allowance. She explained to CorkBeo how the situation has isolated Josie from much of her family who are primarily located in West Cork and find it difficult to travel to see her.

Josie at the beach
Josie was so independent before the incident -Credit:No credit

To assist Josie during these tough times the Durrus community has come together to support her as she adjusts to this significant shift in her life. Her family and friends are currently fundraising for a new wheelchair-accessible vehicle that would restore some of the independence she's lost over the last year. For the latest health and Covid news sign up to our newsletter here.

Jen added: "It would make such a different to her being able to take her back to her old home and for social aspects too. She was always going out to the Bantry Market and was seeing her friends and this would be brilliant at taking her to and from all of her appointments." Those wishing to contribute to Josie's cause can visit her family's GoFundMe page to make a donation.