Woman's amazing 12-week body transformation took just three easy lifestyle changes

Fitness guru Jo Beattie revealed how she transformed her body in three months
-Credit: (Image: jobeattie.fit/Instagram)

A woman who transformed her body in 12 weeks looks incredible after making a few simple swaps.

Jo Beattie shot to Instagram fame sharing simple fitness tips online. She has now revealed how she put in "12 weeks of hard work" to totally transform the way she looks, and she's "so happy" with the results.

Just three months after she began her transformation, she now has killer abs and a lean physique, and said just a few easy changes are responsible for the change. It comes after she had a tough start to 2024, she explained.

She wrote: "It was a rough start to the year with a double break to my hand, a coeliac diagnosis and deciding to leave my career after 15 years."

Fitness guru Jo Beattie revealed how she transformed her body in three months
Jo wowed fans with her incredible transformation -Credit:jobeattie.fit/Instagram

The influencer said her transformation was down to just three lifestyle swaps. Firstly she said: "Reduced alcohol to 1 x a week. This made a drastic and positive impact on caloric intake, food choices and gut comfort. Sleep scores on my whoop on average are way better, yet still awful after any alcohol, even 1 glass."

"Cutting down on ultra processed foods. This has been huge for me. I'm still a sucker for sweets, but in general I have overhauled to make lots of meals from scratch, aim for whole foods and reduced takeaways - which works because less alcohol and all that."

She continued: "The removal of gluten has also been huge for reduced inflammation, bloat, pain etc."

"The gym has accelerated my training significantly. I still exercise as frequently, but for longer sessions, close to double the time I'd do home workouts for in the past. This is only possible because now I am getting up 30 mins earlier."

"The kids are older now which helps so much, and I walk in every morning when they're coming down for breakfast. Ps if you remember me sharing this back in March, this is the flexed before pic and flexed after pic (today)."

Since Jo shared the post, it's been liked over 100 times, and people were quick to celebrate all her hard work. People think she looks "amazing", and were keen to learn more about her career news too.

One person said: "Wow!! Both to the career news - tell us more, and to that amazingly fit bod of yours! I'm very jealous!"

Another wrote: "Well done darling absolutely amazing dedication and hard work hard work you look and I'm sure feel incredible."

A third replied: "Looking fantastic Jo. You've worked your socks off." Meanwhile, a fourth also commented: "You look insane. Intrigued by the career change."