'My world fell apart when I was told I had cancer, but I hope my story inspires others'

Knypersley batsman Louis Washington has returned to playing cricket after being given the all-clear following his bone cancer diagnosis.
-Credit: (Image: Pete Stonier / Stoke Sentinel)

Louis Washington shouldered arms to the first ball of Knypersley’s Talbot Cup run chase against Sandbach.

In any normal game, in any normal season, not playing a shot would be deemed a pretty unremarkable passage of play.

But in the grand scheme of things, that one ball at Knype’s Tunstall Road headquarters will be the highlight of the club’s season for so many people - not least Washington himself.

The delivery was the first the now 25-year-old had faced since he was diagnosed with bone cancer 12 months ago.

Washington, from Biddulph, admits that playing in Sunday’s cup clash - in which he made 22 not out before rain saw the match abandoned - was another landmark on his road to recovery.

“Three weeks ago I started to have a light net, which was interesting. You don’t realise how your muscles change and feel different after not playing for a while,” said Washington, who is now in remission.

“It’s just been about building things up steadily and taking it from there.

“It was amazing to be playing again. Twelve months ago it was hard to see that day coming again - as deep as that sounds.

“I finished my treatment in February and was still unsure whether I would be able to play at all this year.

“But I’ve given myself every chance. The feeling of walking out with my mates again, some of my best mates, was emotional for everyone, including me and my family.

“It was great to be part of the team again.

“Dave Baker (Knypersley chairman) mentioned to the umpires about me ringing the five-minute bell, but I didn’t want that, I just wanted to get on with the game.

“I wasn’t too fussed about batting or fielding first. I pride myself on my fielding, it’s one of the better parts of my game, so it was a bit of a shock to start off with.

“My feet felt like I was running through mud.”

Sandbach posted 241-9 from their 40 overs in the first-round tie at Knypersley.

The rain then reduced the home side’s target to 224 from 35 overs, but after reaching 40-1 off nine, the elements intervened.

However, the conditions couldn’t take the shine off the day for Washington as he strode out to bat.

“In my head I was thinking ‘don’t get a first baller’,” he revealed.

“Once I got that out of the way I was fine. In cricket there are always nerves anyway and a bit of pressure, especially as an opening batsman.

Louis Washington has outlined his journey from being diagnosed with bone cancer, his treatment and playing cricket again.
Louis Washington has outlined his journey from being diagnosed with bone cancer, his treatment and playing cricket again. -Credit:Pete Stonier / Stoke Sentinel

“I would have been happy to have scored one run, that’s all I wanted. After the first over I was calm.

“Throughout the last 12 months you think about a moment of scoring 100 again or taking five wickets, so it was a shame the rain ruined the game.

“But just to be out there and having a bat, for a short period of time, was a special moment.”

Washington received his cancer diagnosis in June last year, but it was six months prior when he started feeling as though something wasn’t right with his health.

However, Washington says that he put the pain he was experiencing down to the amount of sport he played.

But it soon became apparent that the issue was more serious.

“It was the back end of 2022, in the run up to Christmas, that I had a pain in my side in the hip area and lower back,” he explained.

“I thought it was a sporting injury because of my cricket, football, golf and going to the gym.

“You always get niggles and I thought that’s what it was. In 2023, for the first four months we had winter nets and I wasn’t able to participate in them because of the issue.

“I went to the doctors a few times, but the waiting list was long and I hadn’t been seen for a scan.

“In the meantime I had multiple physio sessions and they thought it was a sporting issue as well.

“In April last year the first game came around and I was captain. It was my first year as captain and I was looking forward to a new venture as Knypersley skipper.

“I was so desperate to play in the first game, but I was still in a lot of pain.

“On the day of the first game I woke up and decided I was going to play. I shouldn’t have done. I was run out because I just couldn’t move.

“I didn’t play again last season and the pain just kept increasing. It was affecting my day-to-day life.”

Washington had no luck in getting a scan on the NHS, so at the start of June went private to get to the bottom of the problem.

He was seen at Nuffield - and was immediately informed about the severity of the issue.

Louis Washington is also a keen footballer.
Louis Washington is also a keen footballer. -Credit:Stoke Sentinel

“The scan happened on June 8 and on the same day I had the follow up appointment with the consultant,” said Washington.

“I thought it was a back injury, but the consultant said they could see a lump on the side of my hip, but he wasn’t sure what it was.

“When we saw the image of the scan I didn’t really think anything of it. My dad is the most positive person you could meet and he was with me.

“I saw the look on his face and he was worried. I knew then it was serious.

“The day after I was at the hospital having MRI’s and CT scans. At the end of June I found out from the hospital what they thought it was.

“But they had to go through a lot of people to make sure they had the right diagnosis. I had a sample taken out so they could assess it.

“When they came back and said it was bone cancer, it was a massive shock for everyone. Your world falls apart.”

Washington was set to undergo his treatment at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.

But it took a two-week stay there before he could begin his rounds of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

“By the start of July I hadn’t started any treatment, but they had outlined what was needed - chemo, radiotherapy and potentially an operation,” he added.

“By that stage the pain was excruciating. I’d been in bed for two months at home and couldn’t do normal things - I needed help to wash and get dressed.

“I was admitted to hospital in July for two weeks because of the pain and they fast-tracked the treatment.

“When it started it was scary, but also a relief. It was funny because almost straight away I saw tiny bits of progress.

“I could sit in a chair for 10 minutes, which I hadn’t been able to do.

“We had a plan about what was to come for the next 12 months. It was a case of me and the family getting our heads around it and thinking ‘this happening’ and what was going to come.

“Once I knew the plan I could focus on getting to the end of the road.

“It did take a few months to digest what was happening and it was a shock, but day by day I was gradually getting better, even if at times I didn’t recognise myself.

“The treatment made me ill, but I had tunnel vision to get to the end.”

Washington lost his hair and plenty of weight as he underwent his gruelling course of treatment.

But he insists he never thought he was fighting a losing battle and that cancer was going to beat him.

“I am quite a positive person and the worst case scenario never crossed my mind,” he explained.

“I tried not to look too far ahead. I wanted to take things slowly and progress one per cent every day.

Louis Washington walks out to bat on his return to cricket action at the weekend.
Louis Washington walks out to bat on his return to cricket action at the weekend. -Credit:Darren Washington

“I’m not looking back. I’m looking forward and I’m getting stronger every day. I don’t think fearing the worst would have helped at all.

“It would have been normal to think that, but I needed my energy to focus on recovery, so I never contemplated it.”

Washington underwent 14 rounds of chemotherapy and 30 days of radiotherapy from July until February.

And then, in April, he and his family received the news they had been hoping and praying for.

“I finished my treatment in February, but didn’t have my scan until April to let everything settle down. It was an anxious time,” he admitted.

“The consultant told me I was in remission, I was cancer free. It was a weird feeling because it felt like the end of the journey.

“I’m still on a surveillance programme for a number of years, but I’m feeling good and just want to get my life back up and running.

“The staff who treated me and helped me along the journey have been fantastic from start to finish. They are truly amazing.

“It does put life in perspective. There are things you take for granted. I had to rehabilitate to walk properly again.

“You don’t realise that walking is such a gift or something as simple as having a shower.

“It has helped massively to be surrounded by people who care for you.

“I have had the best support system to help me. It’s not just my family and friends, but everyone in the sports network.”

Support has also been plentiful from Washington’s employers, Steelite International.

And he has also used his own experience to help to raise funds for a cancer charity.

“Steelite have been superb with me all the way through. I feel very lucky to have managers who understood the situation,” admitted Washington.

“I never felt any pressure and they kept my job open for me. I’m starting back next week.

“I’m not the only person who has cancer, but you get mental fatigue and mental trauma when you get the news you don’t want to hear.

“We’ve done some fundraising for the Teenage Cancer Trust. They’ve played a big part for me and my family.

“My best friend Zach ran a marathon in Copenhagen recently and raised £3,000 for them. I couldn’t do that, but at least it feels as though we’re giving something back.”

And that brings us full circle to the pride of being able to wear a Knypersley shirt once more last Sunday.

Washington, a hugely popular figure at the club, was watched by dad Darren and mum Clare as he made his cricket return.

Darren posted on X on the day: “Twelve months ago this week we had the news of every parents nightmare. Our eldest son Louis diagnosed with the dreaded C.

“Today he walks out with his team @KnypersleyCC. Strength, Resilience, Courage to smash through it all and be in remission. Unbelievably proud.”

There may well have been a tear or two shed as Washington marked the latest landmark in his journey.

But he says that just seeing the pride in his parents was enough to make his day.

“Mum and dad were emotional to see me playing - just to see me walk out again,” he said. “They were proud and it was great to be back. To see them happy makes me happy.

“Hopefully my story will inspire someone who is going through the same thing. If it helps them on their own journey, that would make me proud.”