Wycombe: Plans to knock down Royal British Legion building for flats draw objections

Royal British Legion building in Flackwell Heath <i>(Image: Google)</i>
Royal British Legion building in Flackwell Heath (Image: Google)

Plans to knock down a Royal British Legion building and replace it with flats have drawn objections.

Sataman Developments Ltd wants to demolish the armed forces charity’s vacant Flackwell Heath site on Common Road and replace it with a three-storey block of 10 apartments.

The firm, run by Amanpreet and Satbir Singh Dhillon, said eight of the flats will have two bedrooms and two will have a single bedroom, while there will be 12 car parking spaces.

Its application claims the flats would feature an ‘attractive front façade’ and get rid of the ‘dilapidated’ existing buildings to bring ‘back into use’ a site that has remained vacant since 2020.

However, some neighbours disagree, including Marian Rigby, who is concerned that there will not be enough parking spaces for the occupants of the new flats or local residents.

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She wrote: “We are very concerned about the road being blocked up by the construction vehicles as this is a one-way street and is very busy particularly at school time.

“During the day we see that people drive up the wrong way at least four times in one day. I am very concerned about the lack of parking as the plans only show 12 parking spaces for eight double and two single bedroom flats.”

Another objector, Zoe Starkey, also raised potential parking issues, while also complaining about the ‘iniquitous’ height of the block of flats.

However, William Lewis wrote in support of the plans to develop the ‘eyesore’ he said was ‘dragging the village down’.

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