YORK DECIDES: Your essential guide to all the candidates for York Central

The candidates for York Central: clockwise from top left, Rachael Maskell, Labour;  Alasdair Lord, Independent;  Ruairi Kendall, Ind; Alan Page, Lib Dem; Leo Mayne, Ind; Lars Kramm, Green; Roger James, Ind; Richard Hudson, Conservative <i>(Image: Supplied)</i>
The candidates for York Central: clockwise from top left, Rachael Maskell, Labour; Alasdair Lord, Independent; Ruairi Kendall, Ind; Alan Page, Lib Dem; Leo Mayne, Ind; Lars Kramm, Green; Roger James, Ind; Richard Hudson, Conservative (Image: Supplied)

We invited all 18 candidates standing for election in York Central and York Outer to say why they think they should be one of the city’s next MPs.

Here, in alphabetical order of first name, the candidates for York Central set out their stalls…


Alan Page, Lib Dem

Alan Page, the Lib Dem candidate for York Central (Image: Supplied)

I am a resident of York Central with a background in business, not politics. I am deeply concerned about the state of our country but optimistic about the future. I am standing for MP because I love York and want real change for our city and country.

Under this Tory government, people are poorer and inequality is getting worse. Our public services are in crisis. Schools are crumbling, the NHS is overwhelmed, and burglaries go uninvestigated. Our roads are full of potholes and rivers are full of sewage.

Housing is unaffordable, with house prices in York ten times the average salary and rents rising by 15 per cent annually. The Tory Party has crashed our economy and cannot be trusted to protect our public services or the environment.

The Labour Party is uninspiring, keeping to Tory spending plans. We need to tax banks and consider taxing income from wealth alongside tax on earnings to address the urgent need for comprehensive social care reforms. Only the Liberal Democrats have a plan for this, including better pay for care staff, which will in turn free up resources for frontline NHS staff.

The Tory policy of capping child benefits for two children is keeping hundreds of thousands of children in poverty, and the Labour Party has no plan to change this. The Liberal Democrats would make this change.

Brexit is harming our economy and public trust. Our economy is six per cent smaller than it would have been if we had remained in the Customs Union and Single Market. Despite this, both Tory and Labour parties have rejected schemes like the EU’s proposal for youth mobility. The Liberal Democrats would rejoin the customs union and single market, creating growth and allowing us to invest in public services.

Trust in politics is at a historic low, driven by the impacts of Brexit, ‘partygate’, betting scandals, and a lack of honesty on past mistakes. People are looking for real change.

Meaningful change requires overhauling our political system, starting with a fairer voting system. Westminster needs reform, with fewer MPs and a House of Lords that is not full of political donors but instead represents the regions, not just the South East.

We need to move power away from Westminster and empower communities like our own to make the choices for themselves.

York needs more affordable housing, better transport, and the ability to use our local assets. I am proposing a Tourist tax similar to that implemented by Manchester to raise funds to reinvest in our local businesses and infrastructure to make York a better place.

Vote Liberal Democrat for meaningful change.


Alasdair Lord, Independent

Alasdair Lord, who is standing as an Independent candidate for York Central (Image: Supplied)

The primary reason that I am the best candidate for York Central MP is that I am talking about the issues which truly matter, and which the other candidates are not discussing.

Although the Greens, and to a lesser extent the Lib Dems, do mention the arms trade and economic justice, they do so as add-ons. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) the arms trade was worth $2443 billion in 2023! Furthermore, according to former ANC MP Andrew Feinstein, $1.1 trillion was missing from the Pentagon budget in 2001.

These are staggering sums, and yet there is barely a peep from the other candidates on these issues. Talk of growth is a red herring when the amount of money disappearing on corruption and the arms trade is this big.

Furthermore, I am the only candidate offering a referendum on the royal family. With around 3.5 million children living in poverty in the UK I consider it reasonable, after the recent death of Queen Elizabeth, that we discuss the future of the royal family and consider our options. We UK taxpayers fund this expense and we should be allowed a say on whether the royals provide good value.

The so-called “War on Drugs” (actually a war on the poor and the working class) was declared in June 1971, the same month I was born, and so it has literally been raging my entire life.

Since that time, it is fair to say the countries of Myanmar (Burma), Afghanistan, Colombia, Mexico and Albania have all become “narco-states”. Drug money has corrupted the judiciary and the politicians of those countries, and the drug gangs have killed or displaced tens of millions since 1971.

No other candidates are talking about this. Prohibition has damaged not just those societies but the UK as well, the number of addicts has increased massively since 1971, and drug-gang related violence has exploded. Only with a regulated drugs market, as exists (to a certain degree) in Holland, Portugal and Thailand, can the UK hope to tackle this issue in a meaningful manner.

No other candidates stand for the sovereignty of the individual and against mandatory digital ID, CBDCs and facial recognition technology. According to Greek economist Yanis Varoufakis we are heading towards technofeudalism, and he is correct. Unless we are aware of this it will slip in under the radar under the guise of, “it’s for your safety and protection”.

Finally, as the only candidate who was born and grew up in York, I feel I have a deep connection to the city which the other candidates do not.


Cliff Bond, Reform UK

No candidate statement or photograph from Mr Bond. Reform UK’s regional manager for Yorkshire and the Humber Adam Bounds said Mr Bond was ‘not engaging with the media’.

An election flyer in Mr Bond’s name sets out four priorities: ‘stop the boats’; ‘zero waiting lists’; ‘make work pay’ and ‘freeze immigration’.


Lars Kramm, Green

Lars Kramm, the Green candidate for York Central (Image: Supplied)

I am honoured to be your Green Party candidate at this key election, at a time when Greens have the opportunity to move into second place in many constituencies like York Central, as well as securing more Green MPs in places like Bristol.

Since moving here from Germany in 2011, I have embraced our historic city with its rich heritage and diverse community as my home. I am a proud parent and a legal and compliance lead for a Yorkshire-based healthcare provider. I share the Greens commitment to fairness, social justice, and environmental sustainability -core values at the heart of the Green Party. Politics should serve the people, putting the needs of the community and the planet first.

The fully-costed Green Party manifesto sets out our proposals to build a fairer, greener society.

Unlike Labour, we are fully committed to tackling child poverty head-on by abolishing the two-child benefit cap and the ‘bedroom tax’ and increasing Universal Credit by £40 a week. This immediate relief would support those most in need, including many in low-paid jobs.

Other key priorities include a properly-funded NHS to cut waiting times and improve access to GPs / dentists, tackling the housing crisis through rent controls and better protection for renters, and cleaning our rivers and seas by pushing for public ownership of water companies.

In York Central, my specific priorities include improving public services, particularly healthcare and housing.

The housing crisis is acute. We need robust measures to ensure affordability and availability.

I am committed to enhancing the standard of living by pushing for a higher minimum wage and benefits reform. Environmental sustainability is also crucial; we must protect our rivers and coastlines from pollution and our climate and natural heritage for future generations.

Unlike other parties, we are prepared to be honest about the scale of investment needed to fix our crumbling public services. We believe in asking the richest, those with the broadest shoulders to pay more, ensuring a fairer share of wealth.

Voting Green can be a powerful statement in York Central, where Labour is predicted to secure an even bigger majority. Your Green vote will not risk a Conservative win. Instead, you can be part of pressure for stronger more effective policies tackling the real issues, sending a strong message to the next Labour Government demanding bold action for real change and real hope.

Vote Green and let’s create a future that works for everyone.


Leo Mayne, Independent

Leo Mayne, who is standing as an Independent in York Central (Image: Supplied)

I am standing as an Independent in York Central. With my twin brother Hal standing in York Outer, we believe we are the youngest standing in this general election.

Our message is, national party politics is not working. None of the national parties are fit for office. I am asking the people of York, lend me your vote on July 4 and together let’s make York the spark that turns our country around.

I became politically active in 2020 as I started to become aware of how broken our country is.

Cost Of Living Crisis: National politicians like to find ways of tackling crises without actually tackling them. For example, the cost of living crisis started with the hike in fuel prices, giving energy companies gargantuan profits.

The issue is, much it costs to buy fuel. The politician’s response of the windfall tax does not reduce the price, so it does nothing for we the people.

The real solution is very simple. Tell the energy companies making these huge profits to dramatically drop their prices. This will go a long way to getting the cost of living crisis under control.

The reluctance or inability of national party politicians to do this has hurt us all.

Battling Political Corruption: I believe the standing of Britain’s politicians has never been lower. I propose the formation of a national police force to permanently monitor our elected representatives, bringing down the full weight of the law to deal with any and all of their wrong doing. I believe this is the only way we can restore our confidence in our public representatives.

The Issue Closest to my Heart: Whilst there are an array of issues to be dealt with in fixing our broken Britain, nothing is more close to my heart than the forgotten and neglected harmed by the MRNA vaccine.

These people, I believe, are real heroes, who because they trusted the Government during the scamdemic, willingly did what they had been told was the right thing to do, and now are left to live out their lives in their broken bodies.

I believe the vax-harmed are being deliberately neglected by all the national parties. Therefore I want to set up in Yor, a community to provide care, support and a voice for the harmed, and spread awareness of what has happened.

If you would like to join me, then please contact me at myvoicemrna@gmail.com If you would like to find out more of what I stand for, my manifesto is available at www.themaynelads.com/manifesto

My brother and I have been writing political songs since 2020 - you can find them at www.themaynelads.com/music. We have a new song in support of the vax harmed coming out soon.


Rachael Maskell, Labour

Rachael Maskell, who is hoping to be re-elected as the Labour MP for York Central (Image: Supplied)

A vote for Labour will provide a once in a generation opportunity to usher in a new Government to stabilise the economy, rebuild our public services and lead on the global stage.

Never has our country been left in such chaos. You cannot see a doctor or a dentist when you need to, while millions are left languishing on NHS waiting lists. Mortgages and rents are sky high. Crime, more prevalent and violent. Energy prices, out of control. Food up, fuel up, and just about everything squeezing the household budget as wages have flatlined.

Building economic stability will enable investment, tackle national debt and help create good quality, secure jobs. Labour’s New Deal for Working People will end ‘fire and rehire’ and stop the gig economy exploiting working people. In York, we are ambitious to rebuild our economy, with 12,500 new jobs in advanced rail, creative and digital sectors, while consolidating the biosciences to institute a Green New Deal for people and the planet.

Most acute in York is the housing crisis. Labour will build the affordable and council houses we need - 1.5 million homes in the first term. Not since the 1945 Attlee Labour Government have over one million homes been built. We could do it then, and we will do it again.

Labour has always said that it will be tough on crime and the causes of crime. Through putting 13,000 extra community police on our streets, we will not only combat rising levels of theft, drug gangs and violence, but divert people away from crime.

We want every child to have the best start in life - reimagining Sure Start, reviewing the curriculum, and supporting children with additional needs.

In schools, we will recruit 6,500 more teachers and embed youth hubs in the community. Every child will be able to access free breakfast clubs, starting the day with a healthy meal. Meanwhile, my project on developing Family Friendly York will support local families to reconnect with their city.

On Day One of a Labour Government, we will roll up our sleeves to rebuild our NHS, starting with dentistry. Reforming healthcare will take pressure off our hospitals, get waiting lists down and create a National Care Service to help all in need.

Internationally, we will develop a new relationship with Europe and global partners, de-escalate risk to address the challenges of our time, from population displacement and migration to taking urgent steps to address the climate emergency.

In Gaza, Labour wants an immediate ceasefire, hostages returned and aid to flow.

Be part of the change by voting Labour on July 4.


Richard Hudson, Conservative

Richard Hudson, the Conservative candidate for York Central (Image: Supplied)

Dualling the Ring Road. Saving Strensall Barracks. A new station for Haxby. An £18m upgrade for York Hospital A&E. A new diagnostic centre in Askham Bar.

What do all these things have in common?

The answer is they have all been secured thanks to the Conservatives in Government, and thanks to the hard work, commitment and integrity of Julian Sturdy.

My point is simple: whatever we think about politics in Westminster, it’s the Conservatives who have made a genuine and positive difference to York.

That’s why I believe York Central needs a Conservative MP. For years, York Central has been held back by the politics of protest, at the expense of practical improvements and positive changes.

I was born and raised in North Yorkshire and I run a small family business. So I know what it takes to make things happen and make a difference. Let me give two examples.

First, transport. We can’t drive growth if we don’t let people drive cars. For years, York has been the capital city of Labour’s anti-car crusade. I genuinely couldn’t believe my ears when Rachael Maskell called for new 10mph speed limits in some areas.

Just imagine if you are trying to drive your children to a swimming lesson and then suddenly you have to slow to an almost total standstill as you struggle to keep the engine alive while driving at 9mph through Acomb. It’s the politics of the protestor.

So if you elect me, I’ll put a Hudson Rocket up York’s transport system. I will ensure the dualling of the Ring Road gets completed. And I will fight until my dying breath against a York congestion charge.

The second example is about health. I understand why so many people are worried about the NHS under Labour – just look at what’s happened to the NHS in Wales. But right here in York, there’s a very specific thing we need to do.

We need a new hospital, in a different part of the city. It’s proving harder and harder to get down Wigginton Road in an emergency. And what we have seen with the diagnostic centre in Askham Bar, is that in many ways we are better providing new health hubs across the city, rather than just one main hospital in the centre of town.

So if I have the honour of becoming York Central’s MP, I will work with the local NHS trust, as well as the council and most importantly, our amazing doctors and nurses, to come up with a plan.

Here in Yorkshire, we’ve already proved it’s possible, with funding for a new hospital in Keighley. I urge all York Press readers to Vote Conservative on July 4.


Roger James, Independent

Roger James, who is standing as an Independent in York Central (Image: Supplied)

Now I'm retired, I have time on my hands to help my constituents to understand legislation and law.

I regularly go to the Beagle pub on Foxwood Lane and teach those who are interested about the difference between law and legislation. Most people have been indoctrinated to think they're the same, but they're not. Legislation is only law if people consent to it.

I'm not a politician, I'm a teacher. Right now I teach that common law supercedes legislation and that everybody has a right to a Trial by Jury for any alleged infringement of legislation.

This is our only defence against legislation as jurors can null and void any unfair legislation.

It is important that people know that all tax demands are illegal unless the government can prove the money is not used to fund illegal wars. I refer to the Accessories and Abbettors Act 1861. I am available by appointment at the Beagle every Saturday afternoon to teach more about this.

I have helped several people to construct raised vegetable beds, so that they can produce their own organic vegetables.

Another concern of mine is that we must provide more social and indoor sports and music facilities for teenagers during the winter months.

I'll always be available to discuss issues and recommendations from constituents to take to Westminster. As an Independent I have nobody to whip me into following the party line. Go to my Website vote-love.co.uk and keep up to date with my ideas and activities.


Ruairi Kendall, Independent

Ruairi Kendall, Independent (Image: Supplied)

When I discovered that Rachael Maskell voted to restrict abortion rights in Northern Ireland, against the values of her constituents (as indicated by YouGov polling showing a majority disagreement), I realised I couldn't, in good conscience, support her in the upcoming general election.

However, as I assessed the other candidates, it became apparent they had little chance of winning due to the restrictive first past the post voting system.

After further research, I concluded that the most effective way to address this flawed system is through electoral reform.

So what are the electoral reforms that I am demanding?

Star Voting: This system allows you to rate each candidate on a scale from -5 to +5. The two highest-scoring candidates then enter a runoff, where the candidate with the broader support wins.

Mandatory Voting: We've seen how the Tories introduced voter ID laws to discourage young people from voting. It's time we put our foot down and ensure everyone shows up to hold our representatives accountable.

I genuinely believe I am the best candidate because I represent the desire to vote for a party beyond the usual choices of the Tories or Labour who we have witnessed fail us time and time again.

This makes me not just a protest candidate, but the protest candidate, advocating for a more representative and fair electoral system.

Electoral Reform is essential because every issue is an electoral reform issue when we can’t vote out a representative for failing us.

In office I will demand these electoral reforms then resign so that York Central can have a candidate that actually represents them. If you, like me, are sick of the unending parliamentary duopoly that has led our great nation into stagnation then Vote Kendall on July 4.