Young girl in hospital after roller coaster gets stuck at Southend Pleasureland

The incident happened at Southport Pleasureland (Google Maps)
The incident happened at Southport Pleasureland (Google Maps)

A young girl was injured when a rollercoaster got stuck at Southport Pleasureland on Saturday.

Eighteen others were rescued after the Rocket Coaster - a family friendly ride shaped like a steam engine - when it came to a halt.

Pictures have been shared online of the cars suspended mid-way along the tight and twisty course. Ambulance paramedics came to the scene and she was taken to hospital.

Southport Pleasureland has apologised “for the distress caused" and said an investigation would be carried out.

A statement added: “The ride did exactly what its safety settings are programmed to do and stopped on detecting a fault.

“Nobody was at any risk of falling from the ride, the carriages were secure on the track and the park's operations director immediately made his way up the gantry to speak to riders and explain that they would be brought off the ride safely.”