Young woman, 28, shares heartbreaking photos of final days after shock cancer diagnosis

A young woman is sharing her final photos after being given just days to live following a shock cancer diagnosis.

Amy Redhead, 28, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of bowel cancer which had spread to her liver.

But after initially being given months to live, she recently found out her prognosis is much worse.

Amy, from the West Midlands, has turned down chemotherapy but is sharing moments from her final days, including heartbreaking photos, on social media to warn others about the disease.

The 28-year-old, who is now in a hospice, had suffered abdominal pain but was only sent for tests after she discovered a lump in her stomach, when her cancer was discovered.

<em>Awareness – Amy and now her family are sharing her story on social media to raise awareness (Pictures: Caters)</em>
Awareness – Amy and now her family are sharing her story on social media to raise awareness (Pictures: Caters)

Her sister Emily, 22, said: “Amy has shared her story on social media throughout her ordeal but now she’s not well enough to do so for herself anymore, we’re doing it for her.

“We’re sharing the photos of her in the hospice from the past few days to show others the physical impact bowel cancer has on the body.”

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Amy was diagnosed with colitis, which is an inflammation of the inner lining of the intestine, aged 11 and was warned she was at a higher risk of developing bowel cancer.

Emily said: “We don’t know whether she first blamed her symptoms on her colitis but we want people to be aware of any changes if you have the condition. It’s important that those with the illness keep on top of their regular checks.”

<em>Stubborn – Amy’s sister said it was no surprise she had chosen to end her chemotherapy</em>
Stubborn – Amy’s sister said it was no surprise she had chosen to end her chemotherapy

She added: “If something feels different or you have an unusual pain then get it checked, as it could have saved Amy’s life.”

She said it was no surprise her “stubborn” sister had refused chemotherapy, deciding she would rather have less time but feel healthier, adding: “We’re so grateful to have celebrated her birthday, Christmas, New Year and our dad, Robert’s, 76th birthday together.

<em>Grateful – Amy’s family are grateful to have celebrated her birthday and other family milestones</em>
Grateful – Amy’s family are grateful to have celebrated her birthday and other family milestones

“We are so proud of the fight she’s put up for the last few months, she has been so brave but she has said she’s ready to die now and no longer be in pain.”

A GoFundMe campaign for Amy can be found here.