Charley The Cat Cartoons Revived By Walliams

The 1970s public information film character Charley the cat is making a shock comeback in a series of new cartoons voiced by comedian David Walliams.

The pet and his owner are returning to our screens to warn people about the dangers of electrical mishaps.

Walliams is working with Electrical Safety First to reduce accident levels in the home, with around 350,000 people now suffering from electric shocks.

The new set of short films have been created pointing out the dangers of issues such as overloading sockets with too many devices plugged into the circuit.

The first film sees Charley stepping in to save his owner from a shock - although he ends up with a burnt paw for his trouble, but is given a fish as a treat for his quick-thinking.

The late DJ Kenny Everett meowed safety messages as the cat in the original films.

The electronica group Prodigy sampled the episode Mummy Should Know in their 1991 single Charly which reached number three in the charts.

Creators of the films point out that high voltage appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines can cause sockets to overheat, with the potential to cause house fires.

The videos will be available to view at .