10,000 drivers in UK sue Uber and could get £25,000 payouts

10,000 London cabbies have sued Uber for millions over taxi-booking rules. 10,000 black cab drivers are suing Uber after accusing it of breaching taxi-booking rules in London, in a move which could cost the ride-hailing giant more than £250 million.

The claim affects from May 2012 and March 2018 when cabbies claim that Uber misled Transport for London (TfL) over how it operated its ride-booking system. RGL Management has filed the group action, known as BULiT21, on behalf of the London cabbies, who are being instructed by solicitors at law firm Mishcon de Reya.

It is anticipating that the total claim value could be more than £250 million, with each cab driver's claim worth up to £25,000. The group claims Uber allowed its drivers to accept bookings directly from customers, rather than going through a central system like minicab services.

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A spokesman for Uber said: "These old claims are completely unfounded. Uber operates lawfully in London, is fully licensed by TfL, and is proud to serve millions of passengers and drivers across the capital." Michael Green, the director of RGL Management, said: "RGL is pleased to file this claim form today on behalf of over 10,500 London cabbies, a major legal milestone in holding Uber to account for its failure to comply with the relevant legislation in the UK's capital.

"There are still thousands of cabbies eligible to join who have not yet done so. A cut-off date is fast approaching. RGL, therefore, urges drivers to register with the BULiT21 legal action as soon as possible to join with thousands of fellow cabbies in the pursuit of losses suffered at the hands of Uber."

Garry White, a black cab driver for 36 years, said: "Uber seems to believe it is above the law and cabbies across London have suffered loss of earnings because of it."