10,000 new homes in Herefordshire is SUCH good news!

10,000 new homes in Herefordshire is SUCH good news! <i>(Image: Pixabay)</i>
10,000 new homes in Herefordshire is SUCH good news! (Image: Pixabay)

WE are overjoyed that we are to have another 450 houses in Ledbury (Coming your way: 10,000 new homes! April 4).

These are to be built on former agricultural land.

The planners will be able to ensure that all these buildings are oriented to the sun so that their solar panels will be very efficient (each house could also have a small wind turbine).

And, of course, all these houses will have rainwater storage for domestic use.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

I am unsure about what we are going to eat when so much of our precious farmland is covered in houses and solar farms, but all the new houses could have reasonably sized gardens so that we can all grow some of our own food. And if all roofs had solar panels, there would be less need for solar farms.

If you require any further advice, please get in touch. I have plenty more good ideas!

