'I am telling you things I've never said before': Demba Ba exclusive on Newcastle, life and a pained exit

'I am telling you things I've never said before': Demba Ba exclusive on Newcastle, life and a pained exit

To mark his birthday, we're re-publishing our big interview with Demba Ba where he spoke about life and his time at Newcastle United

After 55 fascinating minutes spent on the phone with Demba Ba discussing life, philosophy, pandemics and football, a text drops on Friday.

“I hope you can transcribe the love and passion I felt for Newcastle United in your lines,” he writes. After months trying to get in touch – in a decade of covering the club, Ba was one of my favourite players to watch, as teak tough as he was skilful – he has been a brilliant interviewee, generous with his time and not ducking a single query.

We will do our best.



To understand Demba Ba’s Newcastle career, you need to go back to when he was 15 years old, living in a small apartment in inner-city Paris, the sixth of seven siblings. Life was tough but Ba was already showing the confidence that teammates, managers and friends recognise as an integral part of his make-up.

He took a pencil and a piece of paper and wrote of what he would achieve as a professional footballer. He sketched out a plan and at the bottom of the page he wrote: “By age 28, play for one of the top 15 teams in the world.”

Three years later he jumped on the Eurostar bound for London with only a suitcase, sleeping on hard mattresses in cheap bed and breakfasts and having trials fuelled only by “crisps and water”.

“I went through things you cannot imagine,” he says, speaking to ChronicleLive from his home in Istanbul, ducking out of his front room while his young kids have school lessons over video conference. “There was no money. That’s why I say when I come from this to play for Newcastle, it’s an achievement in itself.”

A contract fell through at Watford. He travelled through Barnsley, Gillingham and Swansea and could not register interest. He returned to France undeterred and signed a deal with Rouen that kick-started a journey that was to peak in the Champions League with Chelsea.

“I have had a great career, I have travelled a lot and learned a lot. I’m happy with it,” he says.

“But sometimes I wish I could have two careers. The one I’ve had with the travel and learning about different places but also another where I play for just one or two clubs to be able to experience this. Newcastle would be one of those. My time there was the best of my career, not only about football but for my life in general. I love the place.

“All I can say about Newcastle is my time was too short.”


A black and white life

Ba arrived in Newcastle’s summer of discontent (one of many in the Mike Ashley era) in 2011.

The dressing room that revived the club was being dismantled. Andy Carroll had gone in January, Kevin Nolan had been lowballed on a contract offer, Jose Enrique’s itchy thumbs paved the way for a move to Liverpool and at the end of the transfer window Joey Barton – who had led the hectoring of the club’s hierarchy – was gone too.

But Ba’s signing preceded all of the summer shenanigans – an early capture on a ‘free’ transfer after West Ham’s relegation triggered a clause in his contract.

“The offer came early in the summer from Newcastle, before we signed all the other players with a French-speaking connection,” he explains.

“I always saw Newcastle as an immense club – for me growing up and hearing about Newcastle it was the fanbase, the club’s history and Alan Shearer. It’s the stuff that makes you want to play for this club. Really, the passion of the club and playing at St James’ Park was something pretty unique for me.”

It was viewed as a decent signing but few saw it as a game changer. Ba felt differently. ““Right before I signed I asked the managing staff and the club: are we going to sign some more players to create a great team?’ I didn’t want to come in and struggle and play to avoid relegation.

“I was used to competing for titles or to get into Europe and I wanted to come and enjoy my football and to try and create something. I asked about future signings and I got reassured by the coach what was coming.

“And you know what? I’m a pretty, pretty confident guy on the football field and I believe my presence on the field and character can help lift the team up.”

Ba felt the noise of that summer was a sideshow. The bigger picture was what was being pieced together by United by astute captures.

“The players on the edge of leaving were big players for the club and had a big impact when they were on the field. But I thought when I saw what was coming, they might be making a mistake by leaving. That was how I saw things,” he explains.

“I’m not going to say it was a mistake for them because I don’t know their intentions or goals for their career but what we had at the time was crazy.

“The club that summer really had the eye on who they had to take – not just quality but also the character of the players who arrived. Yohan Cabaye, for sure, was the one. Every position on the field is important but when you have a number six who can play like him, you are going to create something.

“Cabaye was there for us and he was tremendous. Unbelievable.”

Yohan Cabaye and Demba Ba
Demba Ba when he arrived on a free

Newcastle started surprisingly well. The noise subsided and United picked up results. An early win at Sunderland gave them breathing space.

Ba – used to scoring early with his previous clubs – had to wait until September for his first goal. “Pressure? I didn’t feel it. Not where I had come from,” he says. When the goals arrived, they didn’t stop – two hat-tricks and 15 before Christmas.

The season ended with United fifth. “That team was built to play but it was also built to fight as well,” Ba says.

“We finished fifth that season in a league with Manchester City, Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal and all the top guns. That says a lot about what we had and what we did.

“In the past 15 years perhaps only one team has done way better than us and that was Leicester by winning the title. But apart from that, which team is not one of the top five or six have managed to do such a great season?

“We were a mix of intelligence, creativity, fighting spirit. We had a bit of everything and not just in each of the players, in every player. Cabaye could create but he would never back down from a tackle. Chieck Tiote – we know what a guy he was. He would never back down!

“Me myself, I love to play on the ball and makes runs in behind. But I love to get into a fight as well. It was probably not what I do best but I loved to do it.

“I loved playing with Shola Ameobi, you know? He had a great impact and was a great player for the club. I was so glad every time I was playing with him. Leon Best was with me up front and we had a bit of everything in that team.”

Alan Pardew would end the season as manager of the year. “I got on with him very well. That season he had a young team and his mentality was close to the players. He was talking to them and really that year he managed the team in a perfect way.

“I don’t think there was any players who didn’t get on well with him in this year.”

The signing of Papiss Cisse half way through the season changed Ba’s “scoring dynamic” but contrary to the view at the time, he was happy to move inside for his compatriot.

“It didn’t change my dynamic and the impact I was having on the games – that was still large,” he says with trademark confidence.

“When the coach couldn’t play two strikers anymore, one of us had to move to the side and it was the one who was most comfortable on the ball who had to fill that position. The coach said: ‘Demba, this is the role I need you to play’. I said ‘No problem, let’s go’. Football is teamwork. The team is more important.”

That, Ba feels, is the secret to how United’s League of Nations were able to succeed. It was more than a collection of stars, it was a band of brothers.

“That is what my life was and I enjoyed Newcastle because it was a great city but it was the team we had helped a lot. Maybe once or twice a week we were going to each other’s house and having dinner or enjoying an evening playing cards and stuff together. It was a great time,” he reflects.

“We had respect for each other. All teams have different groups in them – maybe on one side you’ve got the Spanish guys, the South Americans and maybe on the other the Africans and the English mentality. There’s no problem a team being separated like this, it’s natural in some ways.

“But the difference at Newcastle was that even though we had the French speakers, we were adopted by the English boys because we were being honest with them. And we were fighting on the pitch alongside them as well.

“You know, it’s a funny story – I saw Ryan Taylor at a water park a couple of years ago with my kids. I turned my head and saw him, he was there! The first thing I did – I hadn’t seen him for six years – before I even said ‘Hi’ I just sang to him: “Ryan Taylor, over the wall!”

“This is the mentality we had at the time. We were having fun with each other.”



In the summer, Newcastle had a chance to grow but instead Ashley closed the purse strings. The rumour at the time was he was angry that he had been persuaded to sanction a spend on Cisse in a bid to finish in the top four – only to miss out and land in the Europa League, which meant more fixtures and more expense.

Vurnon Anita was the sole arrival and momentum was lost. Newcastle’s next season was a disappointment: a brief flirtation with relegation even though the Europa League run provided memorable moments.

In January, Ba departed after a return to scoring form. This is the first time he’s ever discussed it. “It’s something I never talked about. There’s a lot of things in my Newcastle life that I’ve never talked about you know. The signing of Papiss Cisse, for one. There was some things that I didn’t really like about the way it happened but I never talked about it.

“In my transfer to Chelsea people don’t know I had been speaking to the club about signing a new contract from the summer.

“When Chelsea came to speak to me I saw the opportunity to play for a team that fights for titles every year. Every game you have to win, to score, to perform. This is what I saw first. People might talk about money but what I earned at Chelsea was not even 15% more than what I earned at Newcastle.

“At Newcastle, they gave me a contract where half of my wage was based on if I played or not. Why? Because of the reputation of having a dodgy knee, which followed me. No one knew this until today, when I told you. Half of my wage was if I played – meaning that if I don’t play I would have been 15th to 20th best salary at the club in terms of numbers.

“I could have dropped out there and then with Newcastle but knowing myself, I’m confident enough that I’ll perform and also I knew that I didn’t have a dodgy knee. Only the press thinks I have a dodgy knee. I said: ‘Let’s do this then’.

Demba Ba in action for Newcastle United
Demba Ba scoring against WBA

“But it was the same as I did with West Ham. They said that if my knee breaks down, I’m automatically out of contract. OK, but if you do that at your end, can I do something at my end? My clause was if the club go down, I can leave on a free.

“I went to Newcastle and I wanted to play there. But it was not a great contract. So if you’re going to do something like half of my wages on pay-as-you-play then I will ask for a release clause. They decided on £7million for the release clause, not me. This is the offer they got for me.

“When people think Demba left for money, first of all they have to know about my contract.”

Ba takes us back to the teenager sleeping in bedsits. “At the age of 18, I didn’t know I was going to be a pro. I signed my first contract at 20. I drew on a piece of paper my ambitions at the age of 15 – by 28 I wanted to play at one of the top 15 to 20 clubs in the world,” he says.

“I gave everything to earn this. Everything. Coming from where I came from with my background – I came from nothing, man. Just to be a pro was an achievement. I have had the best career I could have and this is the story behind the Newcastle transfer.

“I tried from the summer of 2012 to sign a new contract with Newcastle but it never worked. It was always ‘We will give you this, but only if you play games’. I kept saying to them ‘It is the same – I will play’. But they wanted that in the contract. I kept saying ‘Don’t do this to me.’

“But it went on like this for two or three months and then Chelsea came at the beginning at January and I saw the opportunity of achieving one of my goals that I had when I was 15.”

He is still heartened by the way supporters talk to him and about him. “I believe Newcastle fans understand that. They knew not just from my end but also where the club was heading at the time,” he says.

“They expect the club to invest to do better but they haven’t matched the expectations to do that. Newcastle fans are not stupid. They saw what happened and I don’t think they can feel bad when the player has done absolutely everything he can for the club.

“I have so much love for Newcastle as a club.”



Ba speaks with such authority and knowledge about the game that football has to have a place for him when he hangs up his boots.

Now 34, he is far from retired but thoughts have turned to the next step. He has set up a club in California with Cabaye, Eden Hazard, Moussa Sow and long-time friend and agent Alex Gontran called San Diego 1904. “Look at the colours the club play in – that probably tells you a bit of my heart is with Newcastle!” he laughs.

His journey to the top is inspiring his next step. “I’m creating a team of experts to finish a study into player development,” he explains.

“I’m doing the study in order to see how far things can go for a footballer. I believe we are using not more than 60 or 70% of a player, development-wise. I believe there is much more to do and I want to create something about football development going into the pros.

“It is going to be a bit of what I have experienced in my life – both as a pro and off the field. I want to create something for players, for player development and for team spirit.”

Pressed to explain more, he cites Liverpool’s incredible 4-0 win over Barcelona last season. “So something happened there that no-one can explain. But that is something I want to explain, to be able to call it whenever you need it,” he explains.

“When you see a scenario like this, you want to know what happened. What made Liverpool’s players go above and beyond their capability to beat Barcelona 4-0? If they tried to recall that, those Liverpool players couldn’t.

“I actually believe that there was something there that I can name. But I won’t, because that is my study. People talk about form or luck. There’s so much more to it and creating footballers. I want to investigate in that sense because I want to create something.

“Which club I will partner with to create that? I have a few ideas," he says. "Maybe it should be Newcastle?" he adds with a chuckle.

He is watching in on the club’s ongoing takeover saga. “I hope it happens for the fans, the city and English football because it’s another competitive team. You would have five or six teams fighting to win the title, which is not the way in other leagues.”

“I hope that when these buyers take over they do best for Newcastle the team and Newcastle the city. That is important. It needs to be treated with the respect it deserves.

“Newcastle’s fanbase is incredible, it is a club that deserves Champions League football every season.”