BBC Race Across the World viewers 'worried' as credits roll after unexpected show first 'sealed'

Alfie and Owen are in the lead after the end of tonight's Race Across the World
Alfie and Owen are in the lead after the end of tonight's Race Across the World -Credit:BBC

Race Across the World viewers were in disbelief as they predicted a show first.

Wednesday saw another edition of the hit BBC show as the four remaining teams were tasked with travelling from Thailand to the next checkpoint in Indonesia. Stephen and Viv led the way at the start of the sixth episode as they made it to Ko Phi Phi first after a nailbiting finish to last week's programme.

However, fans were surprised as the leaders decided to travel to their next point down the coast. Stephen has been in charge of the budget so far and they had 36% remaining with more than half of the journey still to go.

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Viv was frustrated by Stephen's management of the budget and said they needed to splash the cash at the start of the next leg. However, viewers following the show on social media platform were confused by Viv's decision to pay more than £80 on speedboat tickets.

Matthew said: "Stephen and Viv's budget planning going up in flames!" Stephen and Viv's strategy failed spectacularly on this leg as Alfie and Owen managed to make up the distance and were comfortably in the lead as the credits rolled.

However, viewers are concerned by how much their journey has set them back. Poppy said: "Very worried for Alfie and Owen’s budget, but so happy for them"

Phil added: "Alfie and Owen nailing it, but they’re going to have to make a stop for budget boosting at some point." Viv posted: "Are Alfie & Owen even aware of how much money they have left? Taxis here there & everywhere but at mo only 18% budget left!"

The budget concerns have stretched for all of the remaining teams and viewers are predicting it could be the first time ever that all contestants run out of money on the trip. @jetsetgirl2 said: "Will this be the first time all the teams run out of money before the end of the race?"

Alfie added: "This really is the series of losing things. Including all of their budgets." @rjc99999 commented: "They're all low on funds."

Rosie said: "Surely all of them are quite low on budgets" Ed posted: "Not really a race but a finance challenge to get around on a budget"

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