'Blatant' flasher at Tunbridge Wells beauty spot sparks women's fear and anger

The pathway on Tunbridge Wells Common which leads to Major Yorks Road and also the cricket pitch
-Credit: (Image: Google Street View)

A flashing incident in Tunbridge Wells during which a man allegedly committed a lewd sex act on himself has sparked anger and fear among women across the town. The vile pervert, who was wearing shorts and a baseball cap, had been performing a sex act on himself in the bushes on Tunbridge Wells Common, a cherished wooded and open space.

He then emerged to follow the woman, who was not alone, still performing the sex act. The woman described how in the incident on Friday at around 5.45pm, he "blatantly" stood and watched them get into their car which was parked on Fir Tree Road.

They had been walking on a path on the common which is near Fir Tree Road and the busy Major Yorks Road. The woman said she had reported the incident to Kent Police but she was "angry and frustrated" she had not been able to get a photograph of him.

She said he looked about 5ft 9in and was white, and looked to be aged in his thirties. She warned women on social networking site Nextdoor: "Please all be aware this individual is lurking on our commons."

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She also brought up the incidents of indecent exposure shared by Kent Police in May, also on the common, in Rusthall. Police had released good quality images of a man in shorts and a dark baseball cap following three offences which happened between April 12 and 30.

This was also in wooded areas, close to Rusthall cricket pitch and Coach Road. This man had been wearing a grey sports top, black socks and white running shoes, black shorts and a black knee support. He had a beard.

'I was so shocked and angry'

Under a heading 'be aware, flasher on Tunbridge Wells Common', the woman explained what happened to her on Saturday: "A man wearing chino-style shorts, we think blue, a burgundy t-shirt and again we think navy baseball hat, was in the bushes masturbating ."

"He then came out the bushes and followed us still doing what he was doing and blatantly stood in the bushes watching us get into the car which was parked on the road leading to the cricket ground. I was so shocked and angry I hurled some abuse at him."

"We just feel shocked but mostly angry and frustrated we were not able to get a photo of him. As we are all aware there have been reports of this happening in the Rusthall area this obviously needs reporting . Please all be aware this individual is lurking on our commons."

Kent Police said it had organised more patrols in the area and also asked the public to look on their dashcams in their vehicles, in case they had captured footage of him. The suspect is white, aged in his 30s and was believed to be wearing blue shorts, a dark baseball cap and a t-shirt which may have been burgundy in colour.

It said it was not ruling out the possibility the incidents were linked. Anyone with information which might help the investigation should call 01622 604100, quoting reference 46/107202/24.

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