Buying London's Daniel Daggers hits back at show's 'brutal' zero star rating

Buying London was called the 'probably the most hateable TV show ever' by The Guardian

Watch Buying London's Daniel Daggers hit back at show's 'brutal' zero star rating

Buying London's Daniel Daggers has defended the show on This Morning after it got a "brutal" zero star review from The Guardian.

Netflix's Buying London is the British take on their successful show Selling Sunset based in Los Angeles, where estate agents sell gorgeous million pound houses to wealthy clients. It got a panning from the critics, especially from The Guardian's Rebecca Nicholson who called Buying London "probably the most hateable TV show ever".

In Buying London's zero star review, Nicholson wrote: "I hate almost everything about Buying London, the British version of Netflix’s highly successful Selling Sunset, in which grotesquely wealthy people buy property in Los Angeles from glamorous real estate agents whose personalities are plucked from the reality TV presets menu."

During This Morning on Tuesday, the CEO of DDRE Global estate agents had the chance to defend the show from the zero star rating. Daggers appeared on This Morning with one of the agents Reme.

DDRE boss Daniel Daggers puts his agents to the test in Buying London. (Netflix)
DDRE boss Daniel Daggers puts his agents to the test in Buying London. (Netflix)

Ben Shephard broached the subject saying: "It's had some quite brutal reviews Daniel." Daggers questioned: "Has it?"

Shephard pressed on with his line of questioning. He said: "Yep I think The Guardian gave it zero stars and called it the 'most hated show you'll ever watch'. I get these things are always going to divide whether people love it or hate it. How do you all cope with that sort of focus?"

The CEO defended the show saying it wasn't meant to be a documentary. With the bad reviews, he said they had "coped unbelievably well" and he said they had a lot of new business opportunities emerge since the show's release.

Buying London's Daniel Daggers appeared on This Morning. (ITV screengrab)
Buying London's Daniel Daggers appeared on This Morning. (ITV screengrab)

He said: "I think if you go into watching a show like that with an expectation it's going to be a documentary on how we do things, you're going to be watching something you're not meant to be watching. It's an entertainment show.

"It's to put a smile on people's faces. Sit there and chill out for an hour for the length of the episode. You gotta go in knowing what you are going to watch. If you do that, it's great. We've coped unbelievably well with it. We're enjoying it. It's creating loads of business opportunities for us."

Buying London (Netflix)
Netflix's Buying London is the British take on their successful show Selling Sunset based in Los Angeles. (Netflix)
Lauren, Olivia, Oli, Reme, Daniel, Rosi, Rasa, Julianna - Buying London. (Netflix)
Lauren, Olivia, Oli, Reme, Daniel, Rosi, Rasa, Julianna - Buying London. (Netflix)

The Telegraph's Anita Singh gave it a two-star review calling Buying London for being "soulless and artificial".

It wasn't all bad reviews though as The Evening Standard's India Block gave it a four-star rating. Buying London got praise for its gossip, intrigue, fighting and drama. She wrote: "The audience is here for the gossip! The intrigue! The in-fighting! The drama! Netflix has this formula nailed down and Buying London doesn’t deviate from the Selling Sunset beats."

She added: "Attractive cast members show up to good-looking locations in various configurations and immediately recap the latest drama. Then reiterate, to each other and to camera, that they are not here for the drama, they are here to work."

Selling Sunset works on the same formula as Buying London and since 2019, it has had seven seasons and an eighth is in the works.

Watch This Morning every week day from 10am until 12.30pm.

Plus, Buying London is streaming on Netflix now.