'We can't sleep' - What life's really like on A34 with 'revving' boy racers

Stone councillor Jill Hood.
Stone councillor Jill Hood. -Credit:Staffordshire Newsletter

Families living on the A34 are losing sleep - because of 'revving' boy racers using the road as a race-track. The drivers slow down before 'accelerating to ridiculous speeds to race'.

It comes as Stafford Borough Council has started a public consultation to try to ban car meets and car cruising on the A34. The Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) would be in place for three years and run between Trentham Estate and Redhill, on the outskirts of Stafford.

Staffordshire Police have received dozens of complaints about the issue in recent months.

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Borough councillor Jill Hood said: "I live on the A34 and I've witnessed it. I've watched them taunt each other as they've slowed right down, then accelerate to ridiculous speeds to race.

"It's a hazard to residents and other road users and dangerous, especially as it takes place late at night. Police have reported an increase in these activities, and as someone who lives on the car cruising route, I can tell you it's very noisy and can be heard from miles around.

"Police say they understand the negative impact the cruisers' behaviour can have on people living in the area. It affects people in many ways and it's relentless. If left unchallenged, families living on the estates close to the business park where they meet have to put up with shouting over the noises of revving engines for long periods of time. They suffer sleep deprivation and it can be quite debilitating.

"The PSPO will prevent car cruising and car meets on the A34 for three years. Those who don't comply may receive a penalty notice of £100, which could be reduced to £75 if paid within 10 days - or if convicted at magistrates' court they may receive a fine of £1,000. The cost to the council will be met from existing resources. Extra signage costs need to be contained within our existing budgets."

Desperate families are now calling 999 to report the boy racers - after waiting too long to reach the police on 101.

One resident added: "Some nights it's been awful because they cruise round our estate for hours."

Council deputy leader Rob Kenney added: "Anybody who lives on elevated land on either side of the Trent Valley, not just adjacent to the A34, is also blighted by it as well."

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