Christmas cocaine and heroin dealer is jailed

Muhammed Alam <i>(Image: Sussex Police)</i>
Muhammed Alam (Image: Sussex Police)

A drug dealer has been jailed after being found delivering early Christmas presents of cocaine and heroin to the people of Brighton.

Muhammed Alum was arrested on December 23, 2023, with the Class A drugs on him and tried to hide his identity from police officers by giving them false information.

A jury found him guilty of possession with intent to supply.

Alum, 47, of Thomas Road in London, was arrested in Queen's Park Road in Brighton by patrolling officers who believed his car was linked to the supply of drugs.

On searching his vehicle, they found cocaine and heroin.

Muhammed Alum (Image: Sussex Police)

Alum was also found not to have a driving licence or insurance.

He was charged with possession with intent to supply and driving without a licence and insurance on Christmas Eve. Alum pleaded not guilty to all the charges.

A trial at Lewes Crown Court on June 12 found him guilty of all of the offences. He was sentenced to seven years in prison, handed six penalty points and fined over £200.

Sussex Police Detective Constable Jan Summers said: "We will not tolerate drug dealing on our streets and will always strive to prevent those who inflict such harm on our community from continuing their illegal activities.

"The sentence imposed on Alum reflects our commitment to tackling this serious issue.

"We are pleased with the outcome and hope it serves as a clear message that we will take decisive action against anyone involved in drug distribution."