Development near where Jay Slater was last seen 'built to make area safer'

-Credit: (Image: (Image: Stan Kujawa))

The challenging terrain around Masca, with its dense desert vegetation, narrow dusty paths, cacti barbs and falling rocks from sheer cliff faces, is a place for experts only. One wrong move in this harsh landscape can lead to dangerous consequences.

Local residents informed journalists that a significant development was intended to enhance safety in the area. A new road was built last year, according to inhabitants of Tenerife. They claimed it was "built to make the area safer, easier for people to get in and out of."

Despite these precautions, 19-year-old Jay Slater from Lancashire has disappeared in the remote mountain town of Masca, Tenerife. This is the last known location of his phone and where he was last seen.

Over two weeks since he went missing, the ground search for him has been suspended. There's been no sign of him, and Spanish authorities have no solid leads on his location, reports the Express.

A local from Masca highlighted the crowds of tourists visiting the famous Hilda viewpoint, located amidst the stunning Spanish volcanic mountains. This has become the central point for search operations exploring the deep ravines surrounding it.

"This whole road was built only around a year ago," stated a native of Tenerife. "It was built to make the area safer, to make it easier for people to get in and out of."

On Saturday, a high turnout of visitors was seen integrating with numerous police officers, mountain rescue personnel, and volunteers in what has been described as the pinnacle of efforts to locate any trace of Jay on the challenging terrain. A local observed, "There are many tourists and many walkers and hikers who come here. The road was supposed to make it safer for them, but here we are."

The perilous journey to Masca, extending towards Hilda on Calle Turon, is notorious for its dangerous features: blind hairpin bends, extreme gradients, and bollards that provide scant protection from the sheer drops beside the road. Despite recent improvements such as a fresh tarmac surface, various laybys, bus stops servicing residents, and the scenic vistas that draw tourist coaches, these measures were apparently not enough to prevent the tragedy concerning Jay.

More than two weeks have elapsed since Jay Slater's family last heard from him. The final signal from his mobile phone emanated from this location, close to where he was staying in an Airbnb just before he vanished.

The search for the 19-year-old apprentice bricklayer, helmed by Tenerife's Civil Guard, was concluded on Sunday, June 30. Although extensive resources including sniffer dogs, a helicopter, and mountain rescue professionals have been deployed since June 17 when Jay was declared missing, the proactive search has now halted.

Nevertheless, authorities affirm they will remain responsive to any fresh leads or information. Police are urging anyone with fresh information or tips that could help progress. At present, investigators do not suspect Jay to be a victim of crime, and they have found no evidence linking the two individuals who stayed with Jay at the Airbnb the night before his disappearance to his vanishing.

The search operation has faced criticism from volunteers who have been tirelessly working in hazardous mountain conditions to find Jay. Paul Arnott, a climber and popular TikTok creator from Bedfordshire, revealed that he immediately responded to the desperate pleas for help issued by Jay's family following his disappearance.

29-year-old Paul put a charity fundraiser on hold and spent hundreds of pounds to fly to the island and participate in the search and rescue operations on June 22. On Saturday, he posted a scathing TikTok video, labelling the final major search as a 'massive PR thing' before the efforts were abruptly halted the next day.

Despite this, he pledged to continue the search alone, criticising the police search by stating that 'nobody is doing anything'. He has remained in Tenerife since then.

Two days following the news that the ground search has been halted, Jay's mother, Debbie Duncan, issued a moving and distressing message. She is urging the police to continue their efforts.

Despite her attempts to "stay positive", she worries that the search for her youngest son is 'losing steam'. She voiced her hope that "the world will keep watching".