Dog shows, Shire horses, and vintage tractors for all as beloved village show returns

Darnhall Show returns to Court House farm in Saturday, July 7 <i>(Image: Sue Langley)</i>
Darnhall Show returns to Court House farm in Saturday, July 7 (Image: Sue Langley)

WINSFORD residents can look forward day of traditional summer family fun where under-16s go free.

Darnhall Show returns on Sunday, July 7, 11am to 5pm, at Court House Farm on Swanlow Lane.

Main ring entertainment includes a dog agility team display, a family dog show, a jujitsu demo, and the Darnhall Dancers and the Rose Queen parade.

As well as the dogs, there’ll also be lots of farm animals to enjoy in including Shire horses, sheep, goats, and alpacas.

For the more mechanically minded, there will be displays of vintage tractors and classic cars, and for kids, a climbing wall, a children’s play area, and at the end of the day, everyone’s favourite, the tug o’ war.

For refreshments, there’ll be a barbecue; a beer tent run by the Old Star pub; prosecco, gin, and cocktails bar run by Bubble and Chic; and home-made cake and teas put on by Darnhall Brownies.

Entry costs £5, though under 16s are free, and any profits will be donated to Alder Hey Childen’s Hospital.

Darnhall Show organiser, Sue Langley, said: “We’ll also be running our competitions tent again this year, and everyone’s welcome to enter their baking, craft, flowers, photography, and much more.”

For a competition entry form, email Sue: