East Lancs specialist school where pupils 'achieve exceptionally well'

Broadfield Specialist School <i>(Image: Google)</i>
Broadfield Specialist School (Image: Google)

A specialist school where pupils 'thrive and are extremely polite and well-mannered' has been given another 'Outstanding' report by Ofsted.

Broadfield Specialist School, in Coal Clough Lane, Burnley, caters for students aged 11 to 19 with learning difficulties.

In their report, inspectors said how 'pupils benefit from the high-quality care and support that they receive from the staff, who know them well'.

The report said: "Pupils told inspectors that they appreciate the difference that this school has made to their lives. Pupils are happy to attend the school.

"Pupils respond superbly to the very high expectations that the school has for their achievement.

"Pupils, all of whom have special educational needs and/or disabilities achieve exceptionally well.

"Students in the sixth form benefit from a curriculum that is tailored skilfully to their individual needs. This allows them to flourish academically, socially and emotionally.

"Pupils relish the opportunities that they have to develop their talents and interests. These include participating in the school musical, hair and beauty sessions, the choir and book club."

The school's last full inspection was in 2015, when it was also rated 'Outstanding', with a short inspection in 2018.

The report continued: "The school prioritises pupils’ personal, social and emotional development.

"It provides them with an array of powerful experiences that help them to develop the self-belief that they need to tackle new challenges.

"Pupils learn how to look after their physical and mental health. They know how to stay safe online.

"Staff take great care to ensure that pupils have an age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships and how their bodies change as they grow.

"Pupils access a comprehensive programme of careers education and work experience placements. Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for adulthood.

"The school prioritises the well-being of staff, who benefit from a comprehensive programme of training. Staff carry out their roles with expertise.

"They welcome the detailed information that they receive about the curriculum. This helps them to manage their workload."