Eurotunnel Claims £23m Over Migrant Disruption

The operator of the Channel Tunnel is seeking compensation for the millions of pounds it says it has lost from disrupted services due to the migrant crisis.

Eurotunnel said it wanted almost £23m from the British and French governments for their handling of the situation, which began last summer when thousands boarding trucks and accessing the terminal grounds illegally on the French side forced a series of delays and cancellations.

Many of its night shuttle services for lorries, coaches and cars had to be stopped amid a host of security breaches which even allowed some people to gain access to the tunnel itself.

Eurostar operations were also affected but did not suffer to the same extent.

Eurotunnel said its security situation was later resolved when France provided extra personnel and the British Government paid for additional fencing.

"The work done in co-operation with the British and French governments, who are responsible for border security and public order, and the investments delivered in very short timescales for the protection of the Coquelles terminal, have enabled Eurotunnel (Paris: FR0010533075 - news) to provide a transport service with no disruption since October 2015", it added.

The company said its £23m financial claim would cover lost revenues and extra costs.

Eurotunnel confirmed the move while revealing a 28% rise in annual pre-tax profits for 2015, coming in at £89m.

Despite the disruption, revenues rose 5% and its Le Shuttle (Taiwan: 2405.TW - news) services transported 2.6 million passenger vehicles and 1.5 million trucks (Other OTC: UBGXF - news) .