The 'forgotten' Edinburgh scheme shopping centre locals refuse to abandon

At first glance, Drylaw Shopping Centre seems to have plenty going for it - a variety of businesses just off a main road and within easy reach of homes.

But delve a little deeper and locals raise a number of issues holding the precinct back, among them poor maintenance and access. So Edinburgh Live went along to find out more.

Located on Ferry Road, the centre is a strip of shops and food places. Among the outlets are Farmfoods, a pharmacy, tailors, newsagents, barbers, betting shop, a Dominos and even a pub.

The council has plans to revamp the area including improvements to the junction access. Other proposed measure include bright-coloured walls, clearer road markings for crossing and a community artwork project with the potential to work with local schools.

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The plans also include upgrading the overhang ceiling which is dirty and peeling in most parts - along with colourful lights, seating and planters to freshen up the area.

The locals have mostly agree the shopping centre has a great variety of shops and serves the community well.

Hannah Ward, 28, says: "There is mostly everything you need for your everyday basics and if you want to grab food for lunch, the pharmacy is handy too. But parking is a nightmare.

"People park right at the entrance and then as you move further into the car park people start parking diagonally and this can cause a bit of mayhem while the other end of the shopping centre has empty spots."

She adds: "I can manage to get along to the bigger shops like Morrisons fine, but it can be a bit of a pain for those with mobility issues so I know a few who use this shopping centre regularly. But even here is a bit of a hazard, rubbish everywhere, and the steps aren't great.

"It could also do with a clean and a lick of paint. It could look a lot nicer. Focus seems to be put on the 'posher' areas of town I feel. There is still a huge community down this way that relies on this shopping centre."

Donna, from Pennywell, uses the Drylaw shopping centre fairly regularly. She says: "It is quite busy with the cars coming in and out of the car park. It might not be the best place to look at but it serves its purpose if you know what I mean."

She adds: "There is enough here, it is just the look of the place."

Her son says he loves coming to the shopping centre so they can get Ice cream from Farmfoods, his favourite being Ben & Jerry's Phish Food.

Mary Burns welcomes the new small Morrisons but feels there could be a bigger food shop built somewhere nearby without having to go all the way to the big Morrisons on Ferry Road. She has a trolley for carrying her food and doesn't drive.

She sometimes gets a lift from her family and says: "When my brother-in-law is going out with his car, you can hardly see along the main road. Could do with cutting those hedges as it's a bit dangerous - you have to stick your nose out to see what is coming. "

She adds: "Could do with a set of lights for pedestrians at the entrance for cars coming and going. Something needs to be done at the corner."

The manager at Ferry Road Cafe & Bistro says footfall has dropped a lot since last year. Manager for over three years he says: "It was that busy I needed three staff on, now I'm not busy at all - it's a shame."

Pointing to the half-empty car park at lunchtime, he says: "Compared to last year, it's very quiet. It's the cost of living crisis I think."

David, 66, who lives on Ferry Road, says: "It's all fine here I think. Everything I need, I can nip over here for. I think the wife would disagree - she needs to look at mugs, and bedding and candles, stuff like that." David usually comes over to the pub and the betting shop and sometimes the pharmacy.

Stevie, the manager at The Ferry Boat Pub, was sceptical about plans for parallel parking instead of the current mix of measures. He adds: "How are they gonna enforce it? You'd have to have lines painted, otherwise, they'll park wherever. They park right up to the entrance too."

He continues: "The ones coming out canny get out, and the ones coming in can't so cause a bottleneck. The road is chock-a-block."

"They would need to widen the pavement to tighten the entrance so there is no stopping at any time, just in and out, no parking.

"Down this end, we don't have that problem so much, but we do have cars getting broken into regularly. We have had a camera installed to try to combat that. There is a police camera but it moves all the time and is never pointing in this direction when the cars are broken into."

He adds: "We need more ATMS, the one there is terrible and is never working half the time. If the Post Office is closed then you can't get money out which can be a pain for customers."

Helen, 73, has lived in the area for over 70 years, and wants to see the planned improvements. She says: "They could do what they say they're gonna do - but not in my lifetime will this happen."

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Council Leader Cammy Day says: “These are concept designs that have been prepared as the first stage in scoping out potential improvements to the adopted public realm at Drylaw shopping centre.

"The shop units are all privately owned and we will be engaging them for their support and continuing to the upgrade plans. Our strategy is to consult with businesses in the shopping centre in the first instance, then carry out a more formal wider public consultation later this year; I would encourage people to take part so we can take on board all the feedback.

"Everything is still at a very early stage, as is the delivery strategy and funding model for any development, and we will keep the local community updated as we move forward.”