'We're wimps cancelling Dorset events because of wind and rain'

A file picture of rain <i>(Image: Pixabay)</i>
A file picture of rain (Image: Pixabay)

IN the same month seeing commemorations of the D-Day landings, we have had four public events cancelled because of the possibility of a weekend forecast of wind and rain and thundery showers.

We know that D-Day was put back one day because of the weather, but where have this country’s spine and backbone gone?

The Swanage Fish and Food Festival, the Radipole Park Fun Day in Weymouth, a gala at Portchester Castle and a cheese and wine event at Shamrock Quay in Southampton are among those to have been called off.

READ MORE: 'Radipole Park and Gardens re-opening postponed'

It is now midday Sunday, and I am now looking out at a windless sunny sky. Yesterday was also mainly a dry day, with a light breeze.

What has happened to the bulldog spirit?

This unending ‘elf n safety’ attitude is condemning Britain to become a country of wimps.

No one is forcing people to attend a festival, a fun day, a gala, a wine event.

But at least give them the chance.

Over the years I’ve attended countless events in the wind and the rain.

It is called British weather.

Wear a mac, take a brolly – and make the most of it. You only live once.

Eric Hayman

Address supplied