Fuming Martin Lewis slams Tories over misleading attack ad in heated social media response

The MoneySavingExpert website founder tore apart the Tory attack post
-Credit: (Image: Ken McKay/ITV/REX/Shutterstock)

A furious Martin Lewis has hit back at the Conservative Party for misusing a video of him on social media, which misleadingly suggested he had indicated Labour would raise taxes. The Money Saving Expert founder dismantled the Tory's social media post, clarifying that "NO WHERE" in the clip did he mention taxes.

Instead, he explained that his comments were about a "positive change" Labour intended to implement. The footage, taken from Wednesday's episode of Good Morning Britain, showed Mr Lewis discussing his private conversations with both major political parties.

He recounted: "I had a conversation with a senior member of the Labour Party, a private conversation, as I do with both parties and the exact phrase they used with me, when I asked about a particular policy, they said: 'We're not putting it in our manifesto because I can't commit. We'll do it but it is my aim we will do it over the next Parliament'," reports the Mirror.

The Conservatives edited this segment and shared it on Twitter, claiming: "They're not telling you the full truth. Labour have said they wouldn't put up your taxes. But it's now becoming clear that they have every intention to put them up."

READ MORE: Martin Lewis shares tax loophole that ‘uses pension like a bank account’

Martin Lewis criticised the Tories' post on Twitter
Martin Lewis was furious to be used in the Conservative attack ad -Credit:Twitter

Mr Lewis swiftly responded on social media, stressing: "NO WHERE in this comment do I talk about taxes. And the policy that I discussed (I will keep private as it was private) was NOT about taxes, or tax rises, it was about something that would be a positive change."

The Tories have been pushing tax issues to the forefront of their election campaign, yet they've faced corrections over claims that Labour would hike taxes by £2000. This figure is contentious, as it's based on projections from Conservative advisers, spans four years, and applies to entire households rather than individuals.

Keir Starmer has consistently assured he won't increase taxes "on working people", signalling no hikes in income tax or National Insurance. Rishi Sunak came under fire for "lying" after he insisted during an ITV General Election debate that Keir Starmer would burden Brits with a £2,000 tax rise.

During the debate, the PM alleged that "independent Treasury officials have costed Labour's policies and they amount to a £2,000 tax rise for every working family". However, the next day, the Treasury's top civil servant refuted this claim.

James Bowler clarified that ministers had been advised against presenting these figures as if they were produced by the civil service.

Reacting at the time, Labour's Jonathan Ashworth commented: "I think last night what was exposed is just how desperate Rishi Sunak has become. Because he lied about Labour's tax plans. What he said last night about Labour's tax plans is categorically untrue. Labour will not put up income tax, will not put up National Insurance, will not put up VAT."