What gardening jobs do I need to do in June? Seven tasks to keep on top of

A woman tending roses in a garden
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

As we approach the final day of spring, it's time to start preparing your garden for the much-anticipated summer months.

June brings longer days and hopefully warmer weather, enticing gardeners to spend more time outdoors tending to their plants. It's a crucial time for growth and flowering, and there are plenty of tasks to undertake to ensure your plants flourish during the height of summer.

From trimming spring-blooming shrubs to nurturing growing vegetable patches, now is the moment for proactive upkeep - which should result in lush greenery, abundant crops, and a stunning array of colours, reports the Mirror.

To assist you in identifying the gardening tasks that need attention this month, Samantha Richards, a garden gazebo specialist at Gazeboshop, has provided seven tasks for gardening enthusiasts to tackle before summer commences on June 20.

1. Secure new stems of climbing and rambling roses to supports.

"You might have assumed it was too late to plant beautiful flowers this year, but roses can still be planted from pots during June."

"Roses bring an element of elegance and a burst of colour to your outdoor area, and now is the perfect time to secure new stems of climbing and rambling roses to supports to promote growth and additional flower heads."

2. Take softwood cuttings of hydrangeas.

"If you already have hydrangeas in your garden, June is the perfect time to take some softwood cuttings to help grow even more of these plants. Hydrangeas make a lovely addition to an outdoor space and can be used to liven up and fill out borders and beds."

"To take a cutting, start with a pair of clean, sharp pruning shears and snip off around 10cm of a new, non-flowering shoot just above where it connects to the stem. Remove lower leaves from the cutting and, for best results, dip the bottom of your cutting into a rooting hormone before placing it in a clean pot with fresh soil. Keep them cool, moist and out of direct sunlight until you're ready to replant."

3. Continue planting summer bedding in pots/borders and water regularly.

"In preparation for summer, you can still plant some vibrant summer flowers in pots and along borders during June. Geraniums, sweet peas, pansies and marigolds can all be planted from seed, or for less work, from sprouted plugs. Don't forget to water your new additions regularly and pinch off the tops while they are young to yield even bigger blooms.

4. Water container displays and hanging baskets"When the weather starts to warm up again throughout June, it's important to keep an eye out on your water container displays and hanging baskets, being sure to water them regularly. If the temperatures are milder, this can be every few weeks but during hot spells, it's likely to be every day.

Remember to skip rainy days to avoid over-watering. "

5. Get into the habit of watering outdoor plants daily - but check the soil first! "It's not just hanging baskets that should be getting some daily TLC this month.

Outdoor plants in your garden also need watering daily but always check the soil first!

With spring showers rolling into summer, you may find that the great British weather has already got you covered - avoid over-watering as it can lead to wilted plants. "

6. Move citrus fruits outside"If you've been cultivating citrus fruits, now is the time to get them outside.

These plants work best in humid conditions. To create this during warmer weather periods, stand the citrus tree on large, gravel-filled saucers with a water level just below the gravel.

As the water starts to evaporate, it will create humidity around your tree - early morning misting is also recommended on particularly hot days. "

7. Don't forget to water (and wipe) your houseplantsWhile you may be focusing most of your attention outside this time of year, try not to neglect your houseplants in the process. Even if they do not receive direct sunlight, it's likely that the soil is getting drier in line with the warmer weather and lighter days."

This month, check the soil of your house plants a couple of times a week and top up with water if needed.

Some houseplants are also more prone to collecting dust so give them a regular wipe down to keep them looking their best. ".