Gemma Atkinson's heartfelt thanks to fans after '24 hours of tears' with dog Norman

Gemma Atkinson
-Credit: (Image: Gemma Atkinson Instagram)

Gemma Atkinson has expressed her gratitude to fans for their supportive messages after she shared a rollercoaster of emotions that her family experienced in just 24 hours - leading to temporary heartbreak.

The Hits Radio presenter took to Instagram last week following speculations over her supposed social media absence. Gemma is known for regularly updating her followers on her activities - from work commitments to home life with fiance Gorka Marquez and their two children.

However, the 39 year-old Gemma admitted she'd had a "bit of a week" and thanked her fans for checking up on her and her family following her lack of updates, reports the Manchester Evening News.

While at work at Hits Radio, where she co-hosts the drivetime slot with Mike Toolan, she shared a video on her Instagram Story saying: "I'm back! I've had loads of lovely messages asking if I'm ok because I've not posted on here for a few days...I am, yes. Thank you!"

But over the weekend, Gemma shared a distressing update about her beloved dog, Norman. She told fans about a harrowing 24-hour period with her pet, who was unable to move. A visit to the vet led to the heartbreaking news that there was nothing more they could do.

Gemma Atkinson recounted with sorrow the turmoil shes been through regarding her pooch's health, saying she hasn't cried so much during her six year relationship with "Strictly Come Dancing" sensation Gorka Marquez. "Part of being a responsible dog owner is doing what's right for them and I promised Norman and Ollie we'll always do what's best for them, not us," Gemma stated.

However, hope was restored when her vet proposed adjusting Normans medication. "It might not give him long, could be weeks, months but I'm not having him in pain. I know that. I'm not going to have him suffering," shared Gemma, admitting the situation was dire.

Overwhelmed by support from her followers, Gemma expressed gratitude and updated everyone about Norman's condition, posting a heartwarming video on Monday (June 24) showing Norman getting to his feet and moving around with a wagging tail.

"Thanks for asking about Norman," Gemma wrote beside the footage. He's still struggling to rise but manages once up and about.

The two hind legs are the issue they splay slightly due to previous surgeries on both cruciate ligaments, which left them weak," she explained.

Come Tuesday morning (June 25), Gemma found some humour in the ageing dogs' situation and took the opportunity to offer advice to those considering canine companionship, drawing on her experience as president of the local animal refuge, Bleakholt.

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