General Election: Anas Sarwar urges voters 'one week to get rid of Tories'

Keir Starmer, left, Anas Sarwar <i>(Image: Newsquest)</i>
Keir Starmer, left, Anas Sarwar (Image: Newsquest)

ANAS Sarwar has sent a message to voters in Scotland they have one week left to “get rid of the Tories”.

With seven days until the polling stations open for the General Election the Scottish Labour leader is urging people to vote Labour to ensure Keir Starmer replaces Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister.

Sarwar is pushing the Labour message of a new deal for working people and a publicly owned GB Energy firm.

Starmer and Labour are well ahead of the Sunak and the Conservatives in opinion polls with the party seemingly on course for a very large majority.

The Scottish party leader is looking to take Labour back to having the most Scottish MPs, currently having only two Ian Murray and Michael Shanks.

Polls suggest it could even take back all the Glasgow seats, that the SNP has dominated at Westminster since 2015.

Sarwar said: “With only a week left of this election it is clear that only a vote for Scottish Labour can get rid of the Tories and deliver the change Scotland needs.

“Scotland cannot afford any more years of Tory chaos and sleaze.

“It’s time for a decade of national renewal with a Labour government with Scotland at its heart.

“A Labour government will boost wages, bring down bills, deliver jobs and help save our NHS.

“Scots have a choice - to wake up on the 5th of July to more Tory chaos or a decade of national renewal with Labour.”

Labour said the new deal for working people will see a pay rise for 200,000 of the lowest paid people in Scotland.

It claims its GB Energy plan will bring 69,000 jobs to Scotland and drive down household bills.

It also argues its spending plans including closing tax loopholes will see 160,000 extra NHS appointments.