General Election's impact on July DWP benefit and state pension payments explained

Benefits calculations
-Credit: (Image: GETTY)

Benefit recipients who are due to receive their payments around the July 4 election date are worried about how the potential change in government could affect their payments next month. With the UK's General Election just around the corner, and the major parties having different plans for the future of the nation's benefits systems, recipients may need to brace themselves for some changes in their payments.

However, Brits can breathe a sigh of relief as most of the significant changes any of the parties plan to implement if they win the election will not impact them as early as next month. Most proposed changes require a consultation period which could take months or even years. Despite the election day falling on July 4, there are no expected changes in payment dates for benefits and state pension in July because there are no bank holidays.

Those receiving the following benefits can expect their payment dates to remain unchanged:

Universal Credit

State pension

Pension credit

Child benefit

Disability living allowance

Personal independence payment

Attendance allowance

Carer's allowance

Employment support allowance

Income support

Jobseeker's allowance

Looking ahead, all benefit recipients can anticipate some changes as the party that wins the election starts to put into action the changes promised in their manifestos. Labour has stated it plans to review Universal Credit, reform work capability assessments and has proposed changes aimed at helping disabled people return to the workforce.

The Tories, meanwhile, are focusing on revamping capability assessments for disability benefits and rolling out a new service to validate sick notes. They're also considering cutting benefits for individuals who turn down "suitable jobs" after being on benefits for 12 months and are keen to speed up the implementation of Universal Credit.

Since its introduction in 2013, there has been a gradual shift of legacy benefit claimants moving over to the Universal Credit system.