Good Morning Britain's Susanna Reid on turning point after Ben Shephard's advice

Susanna Reid -Credit:ITV
Susanna Reid -Credit:ITV

Good Morning Britain is celebrating 10 years on air after launching on April 28, 2014. The first instalment on the ITV breakfast programme was hosted by Susanna Reid and Ben Shephard, who were joined in the studio by Charlotte Hawkins, Sean Fletcher and Laura Tobin.

Reflecting on her most memorable moments, Susanna Reid admitted that it was some wise words from Ben Shephard that changed her perspective and allowed her to enjoy that first show when she was full of nerves and feeling under pressure.

Asked what has been the most memorable moment for her, Susanna said: "The first one has to be the launch. I remember sitting next to the wonderful Ben Shephard, who just as the opening credits were rolling whispered: 'You'll never get a second chance to enjoy this moment because this is the only moment we'll ever launch this programme, Good Morning Britain, on ITV to the nation. So enjoy every second of it.'

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"You can be quite nervous when you're presenting a new programme as there's a lot of pressure, lots of responsibility and there is obviously lots of media attention. And when he said that, I just thought 'You're absolutely right!' In that moment when the music's running - yes, just enjoy it! So that's such a memorable moment for me."

She continued: "The second would have to be the Queen’s funeral. She is our longest reigning monarch so to be part of the coverage which sort of held the hands of the nation throughout the death of the Queen, reporting live from Westminster Abbey. It was incredibly moving.

"And interviewing Boris Johnson at No 10 just months before he resigned. Challenging the Prime Minister live on the programme from the heart of government made headline news. A hugely important moment as I asked him the questions the viewers most wanted the answers to."

She added: "But other than that, there's been just so many terrific interviews, and viewer interactions. Every day is different and every morning, there is something terrific on the programme, which just makes working here a joy."

GMB, which has aired 2600 episodes since the launch show in April 2014, also requires very early starts, with Susanna admitting she calls it "airport time" and sets her alarms for 3.40am, 3.45am and 3.50am.

She said: "I snooze the first one, I wake up on the second one, and I get out of bed on the third one! There is no turning back, you cannot lie in, you can't switch off one alarm and go back to sleep. You have to be up and rolling with it the minute you get out of bed."

Good Morning Britain continues weekdays at 6am on ITV1 and ITVX. You can keep up to date with the latest TV and showbiz news by signing up to the newsletter here.