Good Samaritan Returns From Morning Walk With Injured Squirrel

A man who is known for doing good deeds rescued an injured squirrel while taking the dog for a morning walk recently, video from his wife’s Instagram shows.

Rachel Pope’s video shows her surprised response as her husband, Anthony, appears at the door, cradling the squirrel.

According to Pope, Anthony, who is a doctor, is a very compassionate person.

“He found it whilst out walking with our dog, just sitting by a tree not able to climb up, so he put his hand out to see if it would come to him, and it was like the squirrel knew he’d found help because he climbed up his arm and rested his head all the way back to our house,” Pope said.

Pope said they named the squirrel Brownie, and cared for him for several days. However, he succumbed to his injuries and died.

Pope told Storyful the family buried Brownie under a tree in their backyard and hoped he’d passed away peacefully. Credit: Rachel Pope via Storyful

Video transcript

- Why is that on you?

- I think it was hurt or something, and it couldn't climb the tree to get away from Koda.

- Anthony, you can't just walk in here holding a squirrel.

- You want me to go outside? What are you going to do? This guy can't go outside. A hawk's going to eat him.

- Is he hurt?

- I don't know. He couldn't climb the tree.

- Why is that on you?

- I think it was hurt or something, and it couldn't climb the tree to get away from Koda.

- Anthony, you can't just walk in here holding a squirrel.

- You want me to go outside? What are you going to do? This guy can't go outside. A hawk's going to eat him.

- Is he hurt?

- I don't know. He couldn't climb the tree.

- Why is it on you?

- I think it was hurt or something, and it couldn't climb the tree to get away from Koda.

- Anthony, you can't just walk in here holding a squirrel.

- You want me to go outside? What are you going to do? This guy can't go outside. A hawk's going to eat him.

- Is he hurt?

- I don't know. He couldn't climb the tree.