Greenock teen charged with driving at speed and undertaking cars at roundabout

Cartsdyke Roundabout <i>(Image: Street View)</i>
Cartsdyke Roundabout (Image: Street View)

A TEENAGE motorist is accused of driving dangerously and undertaking cars at speed near a Greenock roundabout.

Joshua Oliver is charged with travelling at excessive speed in a Ford Fiesta on Main Street and the A8 at East Hamilton Street.

It is claimed that Oliver, 19, undertook a preceding vehicle on the approach to Cartsdyke Roundabout before undertaking another preceding vehicle.

The alleged Road Traffic Act offence was committed on January 15, according to prosecutors.

Oliver, of Ayr Terrace, is set to stand trial at the sheriff court in October after solicitor Aidan Gallagher pleaded not guilty on his behalf.