What Happened When This Mom Breastfed at a Restaurant Is Not What You'd Expect

From Cosmopolitan

When mothers make headlines for breastfeeding their babies in public places, it's usually because they encountered strangers who responded with vitriol and disgust. Which is why when an elderly woman responded to a young mother breastfeeding her child with kindness, the action prompted her to burst into tears and touched the hearts of thousands of people on social media.

New Zealand mother Briar Lusia Mcqueen was having breakfast in a restaurant with her 8-week-old son, Jaxon, one morning when he started crying out of hunger. Naturally, she began feeding him, which is when something completely unexpected happened.

"This older lady walked up to me, I was scared, thinking she was gonna tell me to put my boob away," Mcqueen wrote in a Facebook post. "Instead, she starts cutting up my breakfast for me and said 'what a good mama you are, we can't have your food getting cold can we.' I honestly could have cried😍😢 loveliest lady EVER!!"

I can only imagine that the elderly woman has had her fair share of cold breakfasts, so she just got what Mcqueen needed in that moment. This really just goes to show just how universal the experience of motherhood - and breastfeeding - really is.

Mcqueen's post has been shared over 8,600 times, liked more than 226,000 times, and racked up more than 10,000 overwhelmingly supportive comments.

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