Hardeep Singh Kohli up for 'Celebrity Big Brother' eviction for the fourth time

Hardeep is up for nomination for the fourth time.(REX/Shutterstock).
Hardeep is up for nomination for the fourth time.(REX/Shutterstock).

Comedian Hardeep Singh Kohli is up for a Celebrity Big Brother eviction yet again. This will be his fourth nomination and this time he goes up against celebrity psychic Sally Morgan.

The latest nominations were part of a special ‘killer nominations’ – during which whoever was nominated faces eviction Friday night. The nominations resulted in five nominations against Kohli and two against Morgan.

Morgan was nominated by both Kohli and Rogue Trader shamed banker Nick Leeson. This came a day post ‘buniongate’ when Kohli pointed out Morgan’s bunions. Ryan Thomas accused him of being unkind to Morgan and rushed to her defence.

Kohli said he nominated Morgan because he felt she manipulated Thomas into feeling sorry for her over his bunion comments.


“He lets Sally play him. I think Sally’s a very canny woman. I’ve replayed it so many times and I can’t see what I did wrong,” a tearful Kohli explained.

Meanwhile Morgan said she nominated Kohli because he used swear words in front of former Love Island contestant Gabby Allen.

“He uses bad language in front of Gabby and she’s a young girl. It’s not appropriate,” she said.

This series of the reality show, rumoured to be the last ever, has been plagued with scandal. First its highest paid contestant Stormy Daniels, refused to appear on the series opening night. Then Roxanne Pallett’s accusations against Ryan Thomas gained national headlines, leading her to brand herself ‘the most hated girl in Britain.’

The next Celebrity Big Brother eviction will take place Friday on Channel 5.

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