Heavy lambs top £240 at CCM as new season stock numbers soar

Prime lambs entering the sale ring at CCM on Monday. <i>(Image: CCM Auctions)</i>
Prime lambs entering the sale ring at CCM on Monday. (Image: CCM Auctions)

A SIZEABLE increase in Spring lamb numbers went through the ring at Skipton Auction Mart on Monday thanks in part to the reopening of the A59 at Kex Gill after many months of closure.

Sellers from the east encouraged by the shorter journey helped boost the lamb numbers to 1,653; more than half the total of 2,576 prime sheep forward.

The journey west by vendor CW Marwood & Son, of Whenby, York, was particularly worthwhile when his heavy lambs topped the sale at £240 and £228.

Over 500 hoggs saw a stronger trade and an overall average of 299ppk. A top price hogg reached £200. Meat sold at 280-350ppk.

Ewes sales also went up a gear this week. An overall average of £135 was met with a top price of £227.50 for a Charollais ewe. Best ewes ranging at £185-£210. Mule ewes sold to £149.50 with heavy mules selling £130-£145. Suffolk ewes sold to £169.50; Woodland ewes sold to £99.50; Swaledale ewes selling to £97.50. Overall Swaledale average of £78.82. Cheviot ewes sold to £147.50.

Spring Lambs – Overall average £154.88 per head or 364.8p/kg SQQ 366.1p/kg.

Beltex average £166.86 per head or 394.5p/kg.

Texel average £153.26 per head or 365.2p/kg.

Charolais average £153.26 per head or 361.4p/kg.

Blue du Maine average £153.00 per head or 387.1p/kg.

Blue Texel average £163.00 per head or 381.4p/kg.

Dutch Spotted average £142.82 per head or 363.2p/kg.

Prime Hoggs – Overall Average £119.70 per head or 302.2p/kg SQQ 299.1p/kg..

Top Prices: Beltex £158; Texel £165; Suffolk £160; Gritstone £176; Mule £132; Swaledale £150; Charolais £200.

Cull Ewes average £135.11. Suffolk to £169.50, Texel to £209.50, BFL to £, Mule to £149.50, Charolais to £227.50, Swaledale to £97.50, WF Woodland to £99.50, Herdwick to £97.50, Cheviot to £147.50, Beltex to £161.50, Kerry Hill to £97.50, Blue Texel to £134.50, Top prices: Lowland: £227.50; Mule/Masham: £149.50; Horned: £99.50; Hill: £147.50.

Cast rams average £150.50. Texel to £197.50, Hebridean to £39.50 Topping the twin market in breeding sheep was a pen of Mule ewes with Texel lambs reaching £265, A pen of Texel singles with Texel lambs made £245 followed by Mule with singles making £230 x2; Texel x ewes with single lambs to £245 av £230 ; Texel x ewes with twin lambs to £245 av £213; Mule with single lambs to £230 av £203 Mule with twin lambs to £265 av £245. Suffolk x ewes with single lambs to £205 av £187; Suffolk x ewes with twin lambs to £250; Zwartbles ewes with single lambs to £180; Zwartbles ewes with twin lambs to £220; B-Texel ewes with single lambs to £230.