Herefordshire family's plea for help from local businesses

Courtney Harris with new baby Brodie McDonald, partner Lannock McDonald, and her son Alfie McDonald <i>(Image: Charlie Summers Portraits)</i>
Courtney Harris with new baby Brodie McDonald, partner Lannock McDonald, and her son Alfie McDonald (Image: Charlie Summers Portraits)

A HEREFORDSHIRE family is hoping that businesses and companies will come forward to support an event fundraising for their disabled child.

A family fun day will be held at Ross-on-Wye's Prince of Wales pub on July 13 to raise money for Alfie McDonald, a two-year-old with a brain injury and gene disorder.

His family have already raised enough money, over £6,000, to pay for equipment to help him with his physical therapy.

The fun day will pay for extra private physiotherapy appointments.

Alfie's mum Courtney Harris said: "We reached our target! We now have the funds to support ongoing rehabilitation. Never in a million years did we think we would even reach our target, but to exceed it is truly amazing.

"It takes a village to raise a child but in Alfie's case, it takes a town. Ross-on-Wye, you are amazing!"


The family are holding a raffle at the fun day, with proceeds also going towards the fund.

They are asking local businesses to donate raffle prizes if they can, with companies that can help being urged to contact Bridie Hall, a friend of the family, at

Miss Harris added: "The money raised at the family fun day will go towards extra private physiotherapy and occupational therapy sessions for Alfie.

"We appreciate that times are extremely hard and would be so grateful for any support you are able to give.

"Thank you to those who have followed Alfie's story so far and have always believed in him as much as we do. We have one very loved little boy! He's our little hero and deserves the world!"

Entry to the family fun day event is free.