Highs of 26C forecast in Bradford today - but will warm weather last?

Bradford Mirror Pool in the sunshine <i>(Image: Newsquest)</i>
Bradford Mirror Pool in the sunshine (Image: Newsquest)

THE warm weather is continuing in Bradford this week - with temperatures set to peak today before fresher conditions arrive.

According to the Met Office, the mercury is expected to hit 26C in the city on Wednesday - but there won't be wall-to-wall sunshine as cloud is forecast throughout the day.

After plenty of below-average temperatures and rain over the last few weeks, the UK has been experiencing much more summer-like weather in recent days.

Most of England - including Yorkshire and the Humber - is currently under a yellow heat health alert, which will remain in force until 5pm on Thursday.

The alert - issued by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) - indicates that weather conditions could pose a risk to those who are particularly vulnerable.

Dr Agostinho Sousa, head of extreme events and health protection at the UKHSA, urged people to check on older relatives, friends, neighbours and those with heart or lung conditions.

For those who don't like the warm weather, there's good news - the Met Office said a transition to fresher conditions is looking likely through Thursday.

The current Met Office forecast for Bradford shows temperatures will reach 20C on Thursday, 17C on Friday, 18C on Saturday and Sunday, and 19C on Monday.