King Charles 'did not appreciate' Prince Harry's TV interview and would want privacy if they meet

Charles reportedly didn't appreciate Harry's TV interview -Credit:Getty Images

An expert has suggested that King Charles "did not appreciate" Prince Harry's televised interview with Good Morning America earlier this year, and would prefer future meetings to be private.

Earlier in February, during the One Year To Go celebrations for the Invictus Games 2025 in Canada, Prince Harry unexpectedly opened up about his family and career in the interview with GMA. He even discussed his father's cancer diagnosis during the conversation.

Reflecting on his journey to the UK to visit his father following the announcement of his cancer diagnosis, Harry expressed: "I love my family. The fact I was able to get on a plane and go and see him and spend anytime with him? I'm grateful to that."

However, a royal expert now suggests that the King likely did not appreciate his son's candid interview on Good Morning America. Speaking exclusively to the Mirror, royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams stated it is "probable the King did not appreciate Harry's interview on the show, after they met in February, when he learnt of his father's diagnosis and when he talked of family unity".

He further disclosed: "If Harry would come to Britain privately, arranging a meeting beforehand, I am sure his father would see him."

Mr Fitzwilliam had some pointed remarks to offer after Prince Harry's brief visit to the UK earlier this month, flying in from the States amidst speculation that he might meet with his father.

After Prince Harry touched down in the UK, a representative for the Duke of Sussex stated: "It, unfortunately, will not be possible due to His Majesty's full programme. The Duke of course is understanding of his father's diary of commitments and various other priorities and hopes to see him soon."

Over the past weekend, Mr Fitzwilliams expressed to us his belief that "the depth of the rift with the Royal Family has, if anything, deepened after Harry's recent visit". He referenced the "utterly bizarre subsequent controversy over whether his father was too busy to meet him which is extremely unhelpful as he needs to project a positive image", before suggesting ways in which the Sussexes might "thrive" in future.

"If they are to thrive and not just survive they must avoid offending the Royal Family, their attacks have cost both them and the royals popularity and made them appear extremely destructive and also hypocritical over the issue of privacy," he concluded.

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