Lives lost in Lakeland Forum Bomb honoured

Family members of those who lost their lives in 1984. Also pictured is SEFF's Kenny Donaldson and Nevin Brown, Advocacy Support Worker. <i>(Image: SEFF)</i>
Family members of those who lost their lives in 1984. Also pictured is SEFF's Kenny Donaldson and Nevin Brown, Advocacy Support Worker. (Image: SEFF)


THE families of four 1st Royal Regiment of Fusilier soldiers returned to Enniskillen 40 years after a bomb shattered their lives.

Two of the men, Cpl Thomas Agar and L/Cpl Robert Huggins, were murdered outright in the Provisional IRA attack in May, 1984 while two others were seriously injured.

L/Cpl Peter Gallimore endured horrific burns and other injuries which led to his death five months later on October 18.

Meanwhile, Cpl Clive Aldridge lost both his legs in the explosion, and passed away in August 2013, forever impacted by the events of that day, both physically and psychologically.

Lisnaskea-based South East Fermanagh Foundation (SEFF) facilitated the families' return to Fermanagh and hosted 15 members across the four families.

A Service of Remembrance, followed by the unveiling of a new Memorial Bench took place on Saturday.

Kenny Donaldson, SEFF's Director stated: "Today was a special day with a range of events taking place marking the 40th Anniversary since the brutal attack upon four 1st Royal Regiment of Fusiliers soldiers attending a fishing competition in Enniskillen.

"An emotive ceremony took place on Lough Erne where roses were placed on the water remembering the four men and the ashes of Sheila Agar (widow of Thomas Agar) were also placed on the water.

"A special service was then held in Enniskillen Royal British Legion facilitated by Canon Rev’d Alan Irwin, with involvement from the families, a short film with footage from the time of the bomb was shown plus interviews conducted with the families in 2017. Julie Tubman (Ernie Wilson’s granddaughter) also sang three beautiful and moving pieces.

"A stunning memorial bench plus interpretive panels were then unveiled and dedicated with involvement from the families and those who constructed the bench.

"SEFF are determined that those who served within Regular Army Regiments and their families are never forgotten, that the integrity of their lives is both understood and respected. Tommy, Bob, Pete and Clive were men who tried to make a difference and their legacy lives on,” concluded Mr Donaldson."

Thanks has also been extended to Tom and William Caldwell for producing the memorial bench, as well as The Brown family.