Man caught stealing Ring doorbell on the same camera

A man was recorded by the video doorbell he was stealing <i>(Image: Getty)</i>
A man was recorded by the video doorbell he was stealing (Image: Getty)

A man who “offends almost on a daily basis” was filmed by the ring doorbell he was stealing, and has been jailed for nearly 40 weeks.

Beau Houghton, 47, also stole an air fryer, alcohol and chicken, some of which was still on him when he was caught.

He appeared in Swindon Magistrates Court on July 1 for five thefts and possession of cannabis between April and May, and failing to surrender on June 18.

The earliest theft was of a Ring doorbell - doorbells fitted with cameras so homeowners can see who is at the door.

Mr Adam Cooper, prosecuting, said: “There’s no surprise he was identified by footage from that camera.”

The camera was not recovered. This is unlike some of the two whole chickens which Houghton later stole on May 29, along with sausages from Morrisons, Marlowe Avenue.

The groceries came to a total of £25, and some of the chicken was later found on him. On the same day, he took vapes and wine worth £39 from Morrisons, Victoria Road.

Houghton, who “occasionally dabbles in crack” according to his defence solicitor, Mr Gordon Hotson, also stole a £129.99 air fryer from The Range on May 15 and two bottles of alcohol worth 55.50 from Co-op on May 28.

The air fryer was recovered when challenged by staff. On this day he was also caught with the cannabis.

Houghton committed some of these crimes while on bail and serving a suspended sentence - where the offender does not have to serve their prison sentence provided they commit no further offences.

The court heard he had a “terrible” and “unenviable criminal record” with 76 convictions for 162 offences, 109 of which are theft-related.

The magistrate said: “You have been given opportunity after opportunity to address your issues and you have not taken them.

“You have been given community order after community order and they end up being breached.

“Your track record does not convince me there’s a realistic prospect of turning your life around.

“You have continued to offend almost on a daily basis while on bail, while in breach of a suspended sentence.

“The only sentence I can pass on is immediate custody.”

Beau Houghton was sentenced to four weeks for each of the thefts, no penalty for the cannabis possession, and seven days for failing to surrender.

He must also serve the 18-week suspended sentence he breached giving him a total of 39 weeks in jail.

He must pay £140 in compensation to the owner of the Ring doorbell but no costs or victim surcharge.

Houghton did not speak but let out a large yawn while hearing his sentence, before being led away in handcuffs.